Decentralizace -
Instead of everyone’s data being held on huge central servers owned by a large organization, diaspora* exists on independently run servers (“pods”) all over the world. You choose which pod to register with, and you can then connect seamlessly with the diaspora* community worldwide.
Instead of everyone’s data being held on huge central servers owned by a large organization, diaspora* exists on independently run servers (“pods”) all over the world. You choose which pod to register with, and you can then connect seamlessly with the diaspora* community worldwide.
Namísto velkých serverů, které obsahují data všech uživatelů a které vlastní velká korporace, lokální servery ("pody") mohou být provozovány kdekoliv na světě. Vybereš si, na kterém podu se zaregistruješ - možná na svém místním - a hladce se spojíš s celosvětovou komunitou diaspora*. -
Svoboda -
You can be whoever you want to be in diaspora*. Unlike some networks, you don’t have to use your real identity. You can interact with people in whatever way you choose. The only limit is your imagination. diaspora* is also Free Software, giving you liberty over how you use it.
You can be whoever you want to be in diaspora*. Unlike some networks, you don’t have to use your real identity. You can interact with people in whatever way you choose. The only limit is your imagination. diaspora* is also Free Software, giving you liberty over how you use it.
V diaspora* můžeš být kýmkoliv chceš. Narozdíl od jiných sociálních sítí nemusíš používat svou pravou identitu. Můžeš komunikovat s kýmkoliv chceš a jakým způsobem chceš. Jediným omezením je tvá fantazie. diaspora* je svobodný software, který ti dává svobodu použít jej tak, jak si přeješ. -
Soukromí -
In diaspora* you own your data. You don’t sign over rights to a corporation or other interest who could use it. In addition, you choose who sees what you share, using Aspects. With diaspora*, your friends, your habits, and your content is your business ... not ours!
In diaspora* you own your data. You don’t sign over rights to a corporation or other interest who could use it. In addition, you choose who sees what you share, using Aspects. With diaspora*, your friends, your habits, and your content is your business ... not ours!
V diaspoře* vlastníš svá data. Nepodepisuješ žádné podstoupení práv korporaci nebo někomu, kdo by je mohl využít. Navíc si můžeš vybrat, kdo uvidí jednotlivé příspěvky pomocí aspektů. V diaspoře* jsou tví přátelé, tvé zvyky a tvůj obsah tvůj byznys - ne náš! -
Want to get started?
Want to get started?
Chceš začít? -
It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3 ...
It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3 ...
Je to lehké jako 1, 2, 3 ... -
1. Choose a pod
1. Choose a pod
1. Vyber si pod -
Find a pod that suits you. You might prefer a smaller pod, one which allows cross-posting to external services (such as Twitter), one based near you, or one based in a country that you know has good data security policies... The choice is yours! You can even %{host_yourself_link} if you have some sysadmin skills.
Find a pod that suits you. You might prefer a smaller pod, one which allows cross-posting to external services (such as Twitter), one based near you, or one based in a country that you know has good data security policies... The choice is yours! You can even %{host_yourself_link} if you have some sysadmin skills.
Najdi si pod, který ti bude vyhovovat. Můžeš preferovat menší pod, nebo ten, který dovoluje přeposílání na externí služby (jako je Twitter), nebo ten, který je blízko tvého bydliště, nebo ten, který je umístěn v zemi, o které víš, že má dobré zákony na ochranu dat... Je to na tobě! Pokud máš zkušenosti pro sysadminy, můžeš si také %{host_yourself_link}. -
2. Sign up
2. Sign up
2. Přihlaš se -
Once you’ve decided which pod is right for you, based on the ratings and information at %{poduptime} and maybe recommendations from people you trust, sign up there and create a profile with as much or as little personal information as you like. You are in control about how much you share.
Once you’ve decided which pod is right for you, based on the ratings and information at %{poduptime} and maybe recommendations from people you trust, sign up there and create a profile with as much or as little personal information as you like. You are in control about how much you share.
Jakmile se rozhodnete, který pod je pro vás ten pravý, na základě hodnocení a informací na stránce %{poduptime} a možná i doporučení od lidí, kterým důvěřujete, zaregistrujte se tam a vytvořte si profil s libovolným množstvím osobních údajů. Máte kontrolu nad tím, kolik toho sdílíte. -
3. Join the conversation!
3. Join the conversation!
3. Zapoj se do konverzace! -
Start following some #tags related to your interests: it could be <span class="click">#music</span>, <span class="click">#photography</span>, <span class="click">#privacy</span> or <span class="click">#linux</span> - whatever you’re into. Share a public message with the <span class="click">#newhere</span> tag to introduce yourself, and away you go. You’re now part of the vibrant diaspora* community.
Start following some #tags related to your interests: it could be
<span class="click">
,<span class="click">
,<span class="click">
or<span class="click">
- whatever you’re into. Share a public message with the<span class="click">
tag to introduce yourself, and away you go. You’re now part of the vibrant diaspora* community.Začni sledovat #štítky podle tvých zájmů: může to být<span class="click">
,<span class="click">
,<span class="click">
nebo<span class="click">
- cokoliv, co máš rád. Představ se veřejnou zprávu se štítkem<span class="click">
(„jsem tu nový“) a jsi od této chvíle součástí úžasné komunity diaspora*. -
Aspekty -
diaspora* pioneered the concept of aspects, which means you can organise your contacts according to their role in your life. This means you can share something just with family members or work colleagues, knowing that no one you don’t want to will be able to see what you post.
diaspora* pioneered the concept of aspects, which means you can organise your contacts according to their role in your life. This means you can share something just with family members or work colleagues, knowing that no one you don’t want to will be able to see what you post.
diaspora* je průkopníkem konceptu aspektů, což znamená, že si můžete kontakty uspořádat podle jejich role ve vašem životě. To znamená, že můžete něco sdílet jen s rodinnými příslušníky nebo kolegy z práce, protože víte, že nikdo, koho nechcete, neuvidí, co zveřejňujete. -
Prvky -
Hashtags give you the freedom to label and follow your interests with ease. You can catch people’s attention by @mentioning them. Reshare posts you love so others can enjoy and comment on them too. And show your love for other people’s work by ♥ing it.
Hashtags give you the freedom to label and follow your interests with ease. You can catch people’s attention by @mentioning them. Reshare posts you love so others can enjoy and comment on them too. And show your love for other people’s work by ♥ing it.
Štítky ti dávají svobodu snadno označit a sledovat své zájmy. Můžeš upoutat něčí pozornost tím, že je @zmíniš. Sdílej příspěvky, které se ti líbí, ať je ostatní mohou také okomentovat. A ocenit práci jiných lidí můžeš pomocí ♥. -
Want to help?
Want to help?
Chceš pomoci? -
diaspora* needs people to write and test code, welcome and help new members, set up and maintain community pods, and spread the word about the benefits of diaspora* to others who might want to take part. Think you’d like to contribute to the project?
diaspora* needs people to write and test code, welcome and help new members, set up and maintain community pods, and spread the word about the benefits of diaspora* to others who might want to take part. Think you’d like to contribute to the project?
diaspora* potřebuje lidi, kteří by psali a testovali kód, vítali nové členy a pomáhali jim, zakládali a udržovali komunitní pody a šířili informace o výhodách diaspory* mezi dalšími, kteří by se chtěli zapojit. Myslíte si, že byste chtěli do projektu přispět?