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Mari bergabung! -
CC-BY The diaspora* Foundation
CC-BY The diaspora* Foundation
CC-BY The diaspora* Foundation -
The diaspora* Project
The diaspora* Project
Proyek diaspora* -
How does diaspora* work?
How does diaspora* work?
Bagaimana cara kerja diaspora*? -
diaspora* is simple to use – here’s how
diaspora* is simple to use – here’s how
diaspora* mudah digunakan – begini caranya -
Ihwal -
What is decentralization?
What is decentralization?
Apa artinya desentralisasi? -
diaspora* is completely different from most networks that you use. It is completely decentralized, with no central “hub”. Even so, it’s very easy to connect and communicate with people. Here’s how.
diaspora* is completely different from most networks that you use. It is completely decentralized, with no central “hub”. Even so, it’s very easy to connect and communicate with people. Here’s how.
diaspora* amat berbeda dari kebanyakan jaringan sosial yang kamu pakai. diaspora* bersifat desentralisasi, tanpa "hub" utama. Biarpun demikian, menjalin hubungan dan berkomunikasi dengan orang lain tetap mudah. Begini caranya. -
diaspora* is a true network, with no central base. There are servers (called “pods”) all over the world, each containing the data of those users who have chosen to register with it. These pods communicate with each other seamlessly, so that you can register with any pod and communicate freely with your contacts, wherever they are on the network.
diaspora* is a true network, with no central base. There are servers (called “pods”) all over the world, each containing the data of those users who have chosen to register with it. These pods communicate with each other seamlessly, so that you can register with any pod and communicate freely with your contacts, wherever they are on the network.
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