Pod -
You are already signed in.
You are already signed in.
Du är redan inloggad. -
Your account has not yet been activated.
Your account has not yet been activated.
Ditt konto har inte aktiverats än. -
Invalid email or password.
Invalid email or password.
Fel e-post eller lösenord -
Your account is locked.
Your account is locked.
Ditt användarkonto är låst. -
Invalid email or password.
Invalid email or password.
Fel e-post eller lösenord -
Confirmation instructions
Confirmation instructions
Instruktioner för bekräftelse -
Reset password instructions
Reset password instructions
Instruktioner för nollställning av lösenord -
Unlock instructions
Unlock instructions
Instruktioner för att låsa upp -
Your password has successfully been changed.
Your password has successfully been changed.
Ditt lösenord har bytts. -
not found
not found
hittas ej -
was not locked
was not locked
var inte låst
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