Clicking the notifications icon (which looks like a bell) in the header bar brings down a scrollable list showing the most recent notifications. If you have unread notifications, this will appear as a number in red over the icon.
Clicking the notifications icon (which looks like a bell) in the header bar brings down a scrollable list showing the most recent notifications. If you have unread notifications, this will appear as a number in red over the icon.
消息通知的小圖示(看起來像是個鈴鐺)位在標題欄,點一下會出現一個可以捲動的列表,顯示目前最近消息的通知。如果你有還沒看過的通知的話,會在圖示上面用紅底的數字來顯示數量。 -
Notifications tend to take the form “Person A commented on Person B’s post,” “Person A started sharing with you,” or “Person A has mentioned you in a post.” From this list, you can:
Notifications tend to take the form “Person A commented on Person B’s post,” “Person A started sharing with you,” or “Person A has mentioned you in a post.” From this list, you can:
消息通知的內容通常都像是「某甲留言在某乙的貼文」、「誰誰誰開始跟你分享了」、或是「誰誰誰在貼文中提到了你」之類。你可以在這個列表中: -
Click the person’s name to view their profile page.
Click the person’s name to view their profile page.
點某人的名字來看他們的個人檔案頁面 -
Click <span class="click">post</span> to view that post.
<span class="click">
to view that post.點<span class="click">
來看目標貼文 -
Click <span class="click">Mark all as read</span>.
<span class="click">
Mark all as read</span>
.點<span class="click">
Click <span class="click">View all</span> to go to the Notifications page.
<span class="click">
View all</span>
to go to the Notifications page.點<span class="click">
進入消息通知頁面 -
The notifications page shows you all previous notifications made to you, 25 to a page.
The notifications page shows you all previous notifications made to you, 25 to a page.
消息通知頁面會顯示你之前所有的通知,每一頁顯示 25 則 -
對話 -
A conversation is a private communication between two or more people. To access this feature, click the envelope icon in the header bar.
A conversation is a private communication between two or more people. To access this feature, click the envelope icon in the header bar.
對話是兩個以上的人之間的私人通訊。從標題欄的信封圖示點一下來用這個功能。 -
The conversations page in the desktop interface consists of two columns: on the left, a list of conversations you have been involved in; on the right, a view of the currently selected conversation (if any).
The conversations page in the desktop interface consists of two columns: on the left, a list of conversations you have been involved in; on the right, a view of the currently selected conversation (if any).
桌面版頁面的對話頁面有兩個直欄,左邊是跟你相關的對話列表,右邊是目前選取的對話內容(如果有選的話)。 -
Use the <span class="click">New conversation</span> button at the top of the left-hand column to start a new conversation. The button will open a pop-up window in which you can write a message and add people to include in the conversation.
Use the
<span class="click">
New conversation</span>
button at the top of the left-hand column to start a new conversation. The button will open a pop-up window in which you can write a message and add people to include in the conversation.左邊直欄最上面的<span class="click">
按鈕可以用來開啟一輪新的對話。按這個按鈕會出現可以讓你寫訊息以及加收訊人的表格。 -
You can only start conversations with people with whom you have mutual sharing.
You can only start conversations with people with whom you have mutual sharing.
你只能夠和跟你互相分享的人私訊。 -
When typing a name into the “to” line, the name will be auto-completed, just like when you @mention someone in a post or comment. Click the name of the person you want to contact, add a subject in the subject line, type your message and off you go! It is that simple. You can also use text formatting here, so feel free to add bold titles and big headers in your message.
When typing a name into the “to” line, the name will be auto-completed, just like when you @mention someone in a post or comment. Click the name of the person you want to contact, add a subject in the subject line, type your message and off you go! It is that simple. You can also use text formatting here, so feel free to add bold titles and big headers in your message.
當你在「收訊人」欄位打名字時,自動完成功能會開始作用,就像是在貼文或留言時對人@指指點點一樣。先點你要加入對話的聯絡人、填一下主旨、再寫一下訊息、再傳送就好了!就是這麼容易。這裡的訊息也可以對文字做排版,所以想要加粗粗的抬頭或是大大的標題的話請自便。 -
In the left-hand column, you’ll see a list of conversations, with the title, profile picture of the person who started the conversation, the name of the last person to have replied to it, and to the right the number of contributions to the conversation (in grey; if there are unread messages this will be indicated in red), the time since the last contribution, and underneath, a “multiple persons” icon if there is more than one person other than you involved. Move your cursor over this icon to see who else is involved.
In the left-hand column, you’ll see a list of conversations, with the title, profile picture of the person who started the conversation, the name of the last person to have replied to it, and to the right the number of contributions to the conversation (in grey; if there are unread messages this will be indicated in red), the time since the last contribution, and underneath, a “multiple persons” icon if there is more than one person other than you involved. Move your cursor over this icon to see who else is involved.
在左邊的直欄你會看到一列的對話,每個都有:對話的主旨、開啟對話人的個人照、以及最後發言人的名字。右邊還有:對話的訊息數量(灰底顯示,如果有還沒看過的訊息,會用紅底顯示)、以及距離最後一次發言至今的時間。如果除了你以外至少有兩個人參與的話,在下面還會有個「多人」的圖示,將游標停在這個圖示上可以看到有哪些人參與。 -
You can read a conversation by clicking it in the left-hand column, after which it will open on the right. At the top left you will find a list of recipients (including people who haven’t yet contributed to the conversation). Make sure to check this before starting to gossip! There may well be more people included in the conversation, all of whom will see your reply.
You can read a conversation by clicking it in the left-hand column, after which it will open on the right. At the top left you will find a list of recipients (including people who haven’t yet contributed to the conversation). Make sure to check this before starting to gossip! There may well be more people included in the conversation, all of whom will see your reply.
從左邊直欄點一個對話就會在右邊直欄顯示那個對話的內容。左上方會顯示所有的收訊人(包括還沒發言過的人),要八卦前記得先檢查一下!有些人沒講話可是也在對話之中,每個人都會看見你的回應。 -
Replying to a conversation is pretty straightforward. Once it’s displayed on your screen, simply type your reply into the publisher window at the bottom of the conversation, and press the <span class="click">Reply</span> button.
Replying to a conversation is pretty straightforward. Once it’s displayed on your screen, simply type your reply into the publisher window at the bottom of the conversation, and press the
<span class="click">
button.要在對話中回應非常簡單,當對話已經顯示在螢幕上的時候,到最下面的發表對話框去寫你的回應,然後按<span class="click">
按鈕來送出。 -
It is possible to delete a conversation from your item list. This can be done by selecting the conversation in the left-hand menu and then clicking the <span class="click">x</span> in the top right corner. Blocking a conversation means you will delete it from the list of conversations and stop receiving any new replies. Please note that it is still possible for others to send replies to other participants in the conversation – you will just not receive them any more.
It is possible to delete a conversation from your item list. This can be done by selecting the conversation in the left-hand menu and then clicking the
<span class="click">
in the top right corner. Blocking a conversation means you will delete it from the list of conversations and stop receiving any new replies. Please note that it is still possible for others to send replies to other participants in the conversation – you will just not receive them any more.你可以從列表中把對話刪掉,只要從左邊點選對話後,從右上角點<span class="click">
圖示。封鎖一輪對話的效果是,它會從列表消失,並且你會停止收到任何的回應。請注意,別人還是可以繼續在對話中送回應給其他收訊人,只有你再也收不到了。 -
That is all there is to be said about conversations. You have almost got through the tutorial! It’s time to read the last part!
That is all there is to be said about conversations. You have almost got through the tutorial! It’s time to read the last part!
對話就是這樣,你已經快要看完整份課程了,最後一段的時間到了! -
Part 7 – Finishing up
Part 7 – Finishing up
第七段 - 結尾 -
Finishing up
Finishing up