We all make diaspora*. We might not know you just yet, but we’d love to meet you and find how you can fit into the team that’s building the future of the web. We all have the potential to change the world, given the right opportunity.
Contributing to diaspora* comes in all different shapes and sizes. Whether you’re a user helping us find bugs, providing feedback on our mailing lists, or contributing code or design, we need you.
Ways to get involved with diaspora*
Contribute code
Grabbing the source code is simple
Clone the repository and poke around: %{clone_code}
Install your development environment
Start contributing code!
We’ve got a large community ready to help you get started. We suggest you check out our %{get_started_guide_link}, talk to us on our %{discourse_link} and come and meet us in the %{irc_link}.
View the source on GitHub
Squash bugs
Our project makes use of Code Triage, a volunteer service where users and developers can work together to tackle bugs in our %{github_link}.
Squashing small bugs helps everyone, and it can give a newcomer a better working knowledge of how parts of diaspora* works.
Help us clean up our code
Help translate
You can help translate diaspora* into other languages by joining the %{translations_link}.
Read our %{translation_instructions_link} on how to get started.
Provide your voice
Our project is run entirely by community volunteers. We use a tool called Discourse to engage in conversations with our contributors about ideas and proposals.
Join us there
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