To add external images to your post, comment or private message, use the same code as for a link, but with an exclamation point at the front:

For this to work, you must provide a direct link to a valid image file,
to a web page with an image or images on it. -
The alternative text in the square brackets is displayed if the image cannot be loaded, and the optional title is displayed as a tool-tip when the cursor is moved over the image; both are useful but not essential.
If you want your message to include a character which is also used in Markdown coding, you can prevent it from being read by Markdown as a formatting code by “escaping” it. To do this, place a backslash ( \ ) in front of the character. For example, typing
Budur \_ alt çizgi gibi bir
Budur \_ alt çizgi gibi bir
this \_ is an underscore -
prevents Markdown from reading the underscore as a Markdown code and allows diaspora* to display the underscore rather than creating italic text.
You can, however, type “diaspora*” or “D*” without the asterisk being interpreted as a formatting code!
Özel karakterler
Özel karakterler
Special characters -
Aşağıdaki semboller ve karakterler bir arada kullanarak diğer özel karakterleri oluşturabilirsiniz:
Aşağıdaki semboller ve karakterler bir arada kullanarak diğer özel karakterleri oluşturabilirsiniz:
You can create the following symbols and other special characters using a combination of characters: -
Markdown sözdizimi ilişkin daha ayrıntılı bir açıklama yoktur %{markdown_link}.
Markdown sözdizimi ilişkin daha ayrıntılı bir açıklama yoktur %{markdown_link}.
There’s a more detailed description of Markdown’s syntax %{markdown_link}. -
Bu sayfada
Bu sayfada
on this page -
diaspora* kullanma ipuçları
diaspora* kullanma ipuçları
Tips for using diaspora* -
Biz fark ettik bazı yararlı hileler
Biz fark ettik bazı yararlı hileler
Some useful tricks we’ve discovered -
diaspora* kullanma ipuçları
diaspora* kullanma ipuçları
Tips for using diaspora* -
There’s a lot more that you can do with diaspora*. Here’s a small selection of tips you might like.
Ekstra profil alanları
Ekstra profil alanları
Extra profile fields -
A simple way to make your profile more appealing is by adding more “profile fields” using text formatting in the Bio section. Use **bold** to create titles, and optionally use *italic* for the items. This way you can add any profile field you can possibly think of, such as music, books, relationship, and so on.
Bir not defteri olarak kullanın diaspora*
Bir not defteri olarak kullanın diaspora*
Use diaspora* as a notebook -
You can even use diaspora* as a notebook, to jot down things you’ll need to remember later, perhaps even notes for a presentation you’re giving. To do this, all you need to do is to create an aspect and
add no one to it</strong>
! That’s right, an empty aspect. What’s the point of this? Well, it means you can share things with this aspect, and no one will be able to see them. That means that this aspect can act as your private notebook. It can be a useful way of moving text or photos between one computer and another, and of keeping your notes and photos safe for whenever you log in to diaspora*.
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