Added 19 new segments
and no segments obsoleted.
New segments:
- AreYouSureYouWantToCancelYourSubscription
- Cancel
- CancelSubscription
- CancelYourPremiumSubscription
- EditPaymentDetails
- FleexPremium
- No
- PageDescription
- PageTitle
- Save
- UpgradeYourselfNow
- YesCancelMySubscription
- YouAreNotAPremiumCustomerYet
- YouHaveSubscribedToFleexPremiumWithTheFollowingCreditCard
- YourNextBillingDateIs
- YourSubscriptionHasBeenCancelled
- YouWillHaveAccessToThePremiumFeaturesMessage
- Cancelling
- CreditCard
- .\Fleex\Resources\Views\User\EditInfoPersonalInfo.cshtml.resx. Added 7 new segments and no segments obsoleted.
Added 4 new segments
and no segments obsoleted.
New segments:
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- .\Fleex\Resources\Views\User\Uns…bscribeFromReminders.cshtml.resx. Added 10 new segments and no segments obsoleted.
Added 5 new segments
and no segments obsoleted.
New segments:
- .\Fleex\Resources\Views\User\_EditInfoLayout.cshtml.resx. Added 3 new segments and no segments obsoleted.
Added 5 new segments
and no segments obsoleted.
New segments:
Added 4 new segments
and no segments obsoleted.
New segments:
- .\Fleex\Resources\Views\Video\Play.cshtml.resx. Added 6 new segments and no segments obsoleted.
Added 3 new segments
and no segments obsoleted.
New segments:
Added 8 new segments
and no segments obsoleted.
New segments:
- .\Fleex\Resources\Views\VideoEntry\DisplayVideoEntry.cshtml.resx. Added 14 new segments and no segments obsoleted.
- .\Fleex\Resources\Views\VocabularyList\Index.cshtml.resx. Added 18 new segments and no segments obsoleted.
- .\Fleex\Resources\ViewModels\Use…odels\FleexPremiumViewModel.resx. No new segments and no segments obsoleted.
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- .\Fleex\Resources\Views\Account\Register.cshtml.resx. No new segments and no segments obsoleted.
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- .\Fleex\Resources\Views\Grammar\Tree.cshtml.resx. No new segments and no segments obsoleted.
- .\Fleex\Resources\Views\Home\OnBoarding.cshtml.resx. No new segments and no segments obsoleted.
- .\Fleex\Resources\Views\Level\Dashboard.cshtml.resx. No new segments and no segments obsoleted.
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- .\Fleex\Resources\Views\Shared\LogOnPartial.cshtml.resx. No new segments and no segments obsoleted.
- .\Fleex\Resources\Views\Speeches\Index.cshtml.resx. No new segments and no segments obsoleted.
- .\Fleex\Resources\Views\Speeches\Tag.cshtml.resx. No new segments and no segments obsoleted.
- .\Fleex\Resources\Views\Support\GeneralFaq.cshtml.resx. No new segments and no segments obsoleted.
- .\Fleex\Resources\Views\TvShows\DisplayTvShow.cshtml.resx. No new segments and no segments obsoleted.
- .\Fleex\Resources\Views\Upgrade\Confirmation.cshtml.resx. No new segments and no segments obsoleted.
- .\Fleex\Resources\Views\Upgrade\Index.cshtml.resx. No new segments and no segments obsoleted.
- .\Fleex\Resources\Views\Upgrade\Payment.cshtml.resx. No new segments and no segments obsoleted.
- .\Fleex\Resources\Views\User\EditInfoAuth.cshtml.resx. No new segments and no segments obsoleted.
- .\Fleex\Resources\Views\User\Edi…foEmailNotifications.cshtml.resx. No new segments and no segments obsoleted.
- .\Fleex\Resources\Views\User\Uns…bscribeFromReminders.cshtml.resx. No new segments and no segments obsoleted.
- .\Fleex\Resources\Views\VideoEntry\AllGenres.cshtml.resx. No new segments and no segments obsoleted.
- .\Fleex\Resources\Views\VocabularyList\Index.cshtml.resx. No new segments and no segments obsoleted.
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