Da du har en gratis konto, har du en begrænsning på maksimalt %d stader. Lige nu har du %d stader. Hvis du har brug for flere stader, kan du upgradere din konto.
Da du har en gratis konto, har du en begrænsning på maksimalt %d stader. Lige nu har du %d stader. Hvis du har brug for flere stader, kan du upgradere din konto.
Check aCCCount in english
Ah, well spotted.
Hive kan be translated as 'queen + workers & drones' (dutch: (bijen)volk), or 'the physical enclosure' (dutch: (bijen)kast)
What is the preferred one? -
@Pxsloot Ik heb ook even getwijfeld, bijenkast, bijenvolk of zelfs kast of korf. Maar in het Frans en Zweeds worden Ruche en Bikupa gebruikt, dat zijn ook de kasten denk ik.
hmm, what's the difference between 'hive' and 'colony' (same as 'ruche' and 'peuple)
The software differentiate very well between hive (the hardware) and colony (the bees) at the moment. As it all uses "hive" at the moment I'd go with the physical enclosure. When I launch the inventory features we can update the terminology as required to differentiate them.
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