If you have a smartphone, then yes! If you have an iPhone, Android or other recent smart phone, you can use the Beetight mobile web app. You can record your inspections right from your cellphone. The mobile-optimised site makes it really quick and easy to enter the details. If you use the printable hive labels, you can read the barcodes with your phone's camera, instantly grabbing the details of that hive. It's a web app, so you don't need to install anything: just go to on your phone's browser and it will detect that you're using a smartphone.
If you have a smartphone, then yes! If you have an iPhone, Android or other recent smart phone, you can use the Beetight mobile web app. You can record your inspections right from your cellphone. The mobile-optimised site makes it really quick and easy to enter the details. If you use the printable hive labels, you can read the barcodes with your phone's camera, instantly grabbing the details of that hive. It's a web app, so you don't need to install anything: just go to on your phone's browser and it will detect that you're using a smartphone.
Ano, pokud máte smartphone. Pokud máte iPhone, Android nebo jiný nový chytrý telefon, můžete použít mobilní webovou aplikaci Beetight. Můžete uložit svoji prohlídku přímo z vašeho mobilního telefonu. Stránky optimalizované pro mobily umožňují opravdu rychle a snadno vkládat detaily. Používáte-li vytištěné QR kódy na úly, můžete tyto kódy přečíst fotoaparátem v telefonu a okamžitě získáte detaily o úlu. Jedná se o webovou aplikaci, takže nemusíte nic instalovat: pouze jít na v prohlížeči telefonu a ta zjistí, že používáte smartphone.
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