You can keep track of details of the colonies as well, including records of the queen and colony sources. It supports splitting and uniting colonies, as well as records of requeening.
You can keep track of details of the colonies as well, including records of the queen and colony sources. It supports splitting and uniting colonies, as well as records of requeening.
Můžete sledovat údaje o včelstvech, včetně záznamů o matce a původu včelstev. Podporuje dělení i sjednocování včelstev, stejně jako záznamy o výměně matek. -
The apiary features are particularly useful if you have hives at several sites. You can easily see which hives are where, and the dates of inspections. If you record the location, it will even show the current weather conditions and forecast for each site. You can see all of your apiaries on a map and click on them to get information.
The apiary features are particularly useful if you have hives at several sites. You can easily see which hives are where, and the dates of inspections. If you record the location, it will even show the current weather conditions and forecast for each site. You can see all of your apiaries on a map and click on them to get information.
Funkce stanoviště jsou zvláště užitečné, pokud máte včelstva na více místech. Snadno vidíte, kde jsou jaké úly a jaké jsou termíny prohlídek. Máte-li nastavené umístění, bude se zobrazovat aktuální počasí a předpověď pro každé stanoviště. Můžete vidět všechna svá stanoviště na mapě a kliknutím na ně získáte informace. -
Can I use this when I'm out in the field?
Can I use this when I'm out in the field?
Mohu Beetight použít, když jsem v terénu? -
If you have a smartphone, then yes! If you have an iPhone, Android or other recent smart phone, you can use the Beetight mobile web app. You can record your inspections right from your cellphone. The mobile-optimised site makes it really quick and easy to enter the details. If you use the printable hive labels, you can read the barcodes with your phone's camera, instantly grabbing the details of that hive. It's a web app, so you don't need to install anything: just go to on your phone's browser and it will detect that you're using a smartphone.
If you have a smartphone, then yes! If you have an iPhone, Android or other recent smart phone, you can use the Beetight mobile web app. You can record your inspections right from your cellphone. The mobile-optimised site makes it really quick and easy to enter the details. If you use the printable hive labels, you can read the barcodes with your phone's camera, instantly grabbing the details of that hive. It's a web app, so you don't need to install anything: just go to on your phone's browser and it will detect that you're using a smartphone.
Ano, pokud máte smartphone. Pokud máte iPhone, Android nebo jiný nový chytrý telefon, můžete použít mobilní webovou aplikaci Beetight. Můžete uložit svoji prohlídku přímo z vašeho mobilního telefonu. Stránky optimalizované pro mobily umožňují opravdu rychle a snadno vkládat detaily. Používáte-li vytištěné QR kódy na úly, můžete tyto kódy přečíst fotoaparátem v telefonu a okamžitě získáte detaily o úlu. Jedná se o webovou aplikaci, takže nemusíte nic instalovat: pouze jít na v prohlížeči telefonu a ta zjistí, že používáte smartphone. -
Beekeeping software and online hive records
Beekeeping software and online hive records
Software pro včelaření a online úlové záznamy -
List tasks
List tasks
Seznam úkolů -
Edit task
Edit task
Upravit úkol -
New task
New task
Nový úkol -
Invalid apiary
Invalid apiary
Neplatné stanoviště -
The apiary has been saved
The apiary has been saved
Stanoviště bylo uloženo -
The apiary could not be saved. Please try again.
The apiary could not be saved. Please try again.
Stanoviště nemohlo být uloženo. Zkuste to znovu, prosím. -
The harvest has been saved
The harvest has been saved
Medobraní bylo uloženo -
The harvest could not be saved. Please try again.
The harvest could not be saved. Please try again.
Medobraní nemohlo být uloženo. Zkuste to znovu, prosím. -
Invalid harvest
Invalid harvest
Neplatné medobraní -
The hive has been saved
The hive has been saved
Úl byl uložen -
The hive could not be saved. Please try again.
The hive could not be saved. Please try again.
Úl nemohl být uložen. Zopakujte to znovu, prosím. -
Uhynulé -
Spojené -
Sold/Given away
Sold/Given away
Prodáno/Dáno pryč -