The Joom!Fish extensions provides you the capabilities to manage, control and maintain your different language versions of your website.<br /> The purpose of this extension is automatically choose the langauge version of any information of you Joomla CMS that the user choosed to use. To achieve this you need to follow 4 basic steps:
The Joom!Fish extensions provides you the capabilities to manage, control and maintain your different language versions of your website.<br />
The purpose of this extension is automatically choose the langauge version of any information of you Joomla CMS that the user choosed to use.
To achieve this you need to follow 4 basic steps:Die Erweiterung Joom!Fish gibt Dir die Möglichkeit die verschiedenen Sprachversionen Deiner Webseite zu verwalten und zu überprüfen.<br />
Der Sinn dieser Erweiterung ist es automatisch die verfügbare Sprachversion auszuwählen, die Dein Nutzer ausgewählt hat. Und dies gilt für alle Informationen, die im Joomla CMS gespeichert werden.
Um dies zu erreichen musst Du nur den folgenden vier Grundschritten folgen:
Premium plan.
Translation History shows you the different versions of the translations that were saved. It also lets you revert to an older version of a translation.
Translation History isn’t available on your plan.
Upgrade to the Translation History shows you the different versions of the translations that were saved. It also lets you revert to an older version of a translation.
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