Define the languages in which you like to allow your users to view your website using the <a href="<?php echo JURI::root(); ?>administrator/index2.php?option=com_joomfish&">content language manager</a>.
Define the languages in which you like to allow your users to view your website using the
<a href="
administrator/index2.php?option=com_joomfish&">content language manager<
?php echo JURI::root(); ?></a>
.Bestimmte die der Inahlte Sprachen, in welchen Dein Besucher die Webseite benutzen kann indem Du sie mit dem<a href="
administrator/index2.php?option=com_joomfish&">Inhalte Sprachmanager<
?php echo JURI::root(); ?></a>
Premium plan.
Translation History shows you the different versions of the translations that were saved. It also lets you revert to an older version of a translation.
Translation History isn’t available on your plan.
Upgrade to the Translation History shows you the different versions of the translations that were saved. It also lets you revert to an older version of a translation.
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