Fyll bare inn en tekst her om </strong>egendefinert tekst</strong> skal vises.<br />Hvis ikke skal feltet være tomt, Joomla! vil bruke definisjonen fra språkfilen : <strong>_JOOMFISH_NO_TRANSLATION_AVAILABLE</strong>
Fyll bare inn en tekst her om
egendefinert tekst</strong>
skal vises.<br />
Hvis ikke skal feltet være tomt, Joomla! vil bruke definisjonen fra språkfilen :<strong>
Use for individual fixed text. To use language depended information leave empty and use the<strong>
constant defined in the Joom!Fish language files.
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Translation History isn’t available on your plan.
Upgrade to the Translation History shows you the different versions of the translations that were saved. It also lets you revert to an older version of a translation.
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