Starting apps.
Starting apps.
Finishing boot.
Finishing boot.
%1$s running
%1$s running
Touch to switch to app
Touch to switch to app
Switch apps?
Switch apps?
Another app is already running that must be stopped before you can start a new one.
Another app is already running that must be stopped before you can start a new one.
Return to %1$s
Return to %1$s
Don't start the new app.
Don't start the new app.
Start %1$s
Start %1$s
Stop the old app without saving.
Stop the old app without saving.
Choose an action for text
Choose an action for text
Ringer volume
Ringer volume
Media volume
Media volume
Playing through Bluetooth
Playing through Bluetooth
Silent ringtone set
Silent ringtone set
In-call volume
In-call volume
Bluetooth in-call volume
Bluetooth in-call volume
Alarm volume
Alarm volume
Notification volume
Notification volume
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