Cloud Penguin/Cloud Penguin
If you are employed by Club Penguin/Disney Game or are affiliated with Club Penguin/Disney Game you are NOT allowed to use this software or reverse engineer this software in any way.
YOU MUST NOT decompile or reverse engineer this software in any way.
The Cloud Penguin team reserves the right to remove access to this program at any time.
Translated by The Cloud Penguin Team.
About {0}
By {0}
Version {0}
Verified Add-In
Pending Verification
Rejected Add-In
Downloading Add-Ins...
Downloading Add-In {0}...
Downloading Texture {0}...
Add-In Manager
Run {0}
Are you sure you want to remove {0}?
An error has occurred while trying to remove this Add-In, try again later. ({0})
Oh no! you don't have any Add-Ins installed!
Il n’a plus de segments à afficher.
Chargement d’autres segments en cours…
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