Cloud Penguin/Cloud Penguin
About Cloud Penguin
About Cloud Penguin
Acerca de Cloud Penguin -
Developed by MhX (@mhackerx) and Asynchronee (@Asynchronee).
Developed by MhX (@mhackerx) and Asynchronee (@Asynchronee).
Desarrollado por MhX (@mhackerx) y Asynchronee (@Asynchronee). -
We are not responsible for any ban that may occur.
We are not responsible for any ban that may occur.
No somos responsables por cualquier suspensión que pueda ocurrir. -
This program MUST NOT be uploaded on the internet if you would like this on your website please link to the page on
This program MUST NOT be uploaded on the internet if you would like this on your website please link to the page on
Este programa NO DEBE ser subido a internet, si quieres tenerlo en tu sitio web, pon un link a -
If you are employed by Club Penguin/Disney Game or are affiliated with Club Penguin/Disney Game you are NOT allowed to use this software or reverse engineer this software in any way.
If you are employed by Club Penguin/Disney Game or are affiliated with Club Penguin/Disney Game you are NOT allowed to use this software or reverse engineer this software in any way.
Si trabajas en Club Penguin/Disney Game o estas afiliado a Club Penguin/Disney Game NO tienes permisión para usar este software o realizar ingeniería inversa en este software. -
YOU MUST NOT decompile or reverse engineer this software in any way.
YOU MUST NOT decompile or reverse engineer this software in any way.
NO DEBES descompilar o realizar ingeniería inversa en este software. -
The Cloud Penguin team reserves the right to remove access to this program at any time.
The Cloud Penguin team reserves the right to remove access to this program at any time.
El equipo de Cloud Penguin se reserva el derecho para remover el aceso a este programa a cualquier momento. -
Translated by The Cloud Penguin Team.
Translated by The Cloud Penguin Team.
Traducido por el equipo Cloud Penguin. -
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