%1$s is now online
%1$s is now online
%1$s آنلاین شد -
%1$s is now away
%1$s is now away
%1$s غایب شد -
%1$s free for chat
%1$s free for chat
%1$s آماده چت کردن است -
%1$s asks do not disturb
%1$s asks do not disturb
%1$s is now unavailable
%1$s is now unavailable
%1$s away for a long time
%1$s away for a long time
%1$s has changed the subject to: %2$s
%1$s has changed the subject to: %2$s
%1$s موضوع را به %2$s تغییر داد -
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Contact doesn't support or has disabled attention
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entered at %s
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%2$s for %1$s.html
%2$s for %1$s.html
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