Verification failed
Verification failed
Échec de la vérification -
Verification successfully passed
Verification successfully passed
Vérification passée avec succès -
The encrypted message received is unreadable
The encrypted message received is unreadable
Le message chiffré reçu est illisible -
Encryption enabled
Encryption enabled
Le chiffrement est activé -
%1$s is now online
%1$s is now online
%1$s est désormais en ligne -
%1$s is now away
%1$s is now away
%1$s est désormais absent -
%1$s free for chat
%1$s free for chat
%1$s est disponible pour discuter -
%1$s asks do not disturb
%1$s asks do not disturb
%1$s souhaite ne pas être dérangé -
%1$s is now unavailable
%1$s is now unavailable
%1$s est désormais indisponible -
%1$s away for a long time
%1$s away for a long time
%1$s est absent depuis un certain moment -
%1$s has changed the subject to: %2$s
%1$s has changed the subject to: %2$s
%1$s a changé le sujet en : %2$s -
Contact doesn't support or has disabled attention
Contact doesn't support or has disabled attention
Le contact ne supporte pas ou a désactivé la fonction "Attention" -
Call attention
Call attention
Attirer l'attention -
Chat settings
Chat settings
Préférences de la conversation -
Entered text…
Entered text…
entered at %s
entered at %s
Export chat
Export chat
Exporter la discussion -
History has been exported to SD Card
History has been exported to SD Card
L\'historique a été exporté sur carte SD -
%2$s for %1$s.html
%2$s for %1$s.html
%2$s pour %1$s.html
Il n’a plus de segments à afficher.
Chargement d’autres segments en cours…
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