Konferencia -
Multi User Chat server
Multi User Chat server
Viac-užívateľský chat server - -
Nick already used
Nick already used
Prezývka sa už používa -
Already in progress
Already in progress
Už prebieha -
Already joined
Already joined
Už ste pripojený -
Add conference
Add conference
Remove conference
Remove conference
Odstrániť konferenciu -
Do you really want to remove conference %1$s from account %2$s?
Do you really want to remove conference %1$s from account %2$s?
Naozaj chcete odstrániť konferenciu %1$s z účtu %2$s? -
Authorization settings
Authorization settings
Nastavenia autorizácie -
%2$s invites you to join conference %3$s. Join from account %1$s?
%2$s invites you to join conference %3$s. Join from account %1$s?
%2$s vás pozýva do konferencie %3$s. Pripojiť sa z účtu %1$s? -
%2$s invites you to join conference %3$s: %4$s. Join from account %1$s?
%2$s invites you to join conference %3$s: %4$s. Join from account %1$s?
%2$s vás pozýva do konferencie %3$s: %4$s. Pripojiť sa z účtu %1$s? -
Leave conference
Leave conference
Opustiť konferenciu -
Save conference
Save conference
Uložiť konferenciu -
Your opponent can provide his fingerprint you can compare with specified here to be sure he is who you think he is. You should not use XMPP chat for this purpose.
Your opponent can provide his fingerprint you can compare with specified here to be sure he is who you think he is. You should not use XMPP chat for this purpose.
Váš oponent môže poskytnúť jeho odtlačok, ktorý môžete porovnať so špecifikovaným tu, aby ste si mohli byť istý, že je to človek, ktorý si myslíte, že to je. Pre tieto účely by ste nemali používať XMPP. -
This contact is trusted
This contact is trusted
Kontakt je dôveryhodný -
Your fingerprint:
Your fingerprint:
Váš odtlačok: -
Your opponent's fingerprint:
Your opponent's fingerprint:
Oponentov odtlačok: -
Scan QR code with opponent's fingerprint
Scan QR code with opponent's fingerprint
Skenovať QR kód s oponentovým odtlačkom -
Show QR code with your fingerprint
Show QR code with your fingerprint
Zobraziť QR kód s vašim odtlačkom
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