wan dyer
Everything that happens to you is stored away your brain has trillions of cells not millions not billions trillions of cells it is capable of things that are just so phenomenal. As far sealing as far as health goes as far as success goes. And it all depends on how you see yourself. Now you get trained as a young person not to see yourself as a very competent human being especially women. Most of you were trained not to think of yourselves as equal with men are better when you were little girls. Many of you were taught that in order to be athletic that's not a feminine and that's not appropriate and you don't do that and so you have a lot of these sentences. And I ask you about the sentences that you use in your mind. The Times I'm nervous I'm shy I'm not very good at mathematics. I'm not a good cook I'm clumsy. You figure out the time. Now every time that you have a lot of that was encouraged because you weren't encouraged to take risks and you must take risks. If you want to be successful in life you must take risks. When your child. I've heard parents say don't you go near that water until you know how to swim. I think
Everything that happens to you is stored away your brain has trillions of cells not millions not billions trillions of cells it is capable of things that are just so phenomenal. As far sealing as far as health goes as far as success goes. And it all depends on how you see yourself. Now you get trained as a young person not to see yourself as a very competent human being especially women. Most of you were trained not to think of yourselves as equal with men are better when you were little girls. Many of you were taught that in order to be athletic that's not a feminine and that's not appropriate and you don't do that and so you have a lot of these sentences. And I ask you about the sentences that you use in your mind. The Times I'm nervous I'm shy I'm not very good at mathematics. I'm not a good cook I'm clumsy. You figure out the time. Now every time that you have a lot of that was encouraged because you weren't encouraged to take risks and you must take risks. If you want to be successful in life you must take risks. When your child. I've heard parents say don't you go near that water until you know how to swim. I think
Everythingthathappenstoyouisstoredawayyourbrainhastrillionsofcellsnotmillionsnotbillionstrillionsofcellsitiscapableofthingsthatarejustsophenomenal -
there's something missing in that logic there somewhere. And so you train yourself when you're young because you believe that stuff. Not that it's anybody else's fault you believe it. You believe that you didn't have to. Now you've got to take responsibility for buying it and if it doesn't apply anymore side and if you nobody wants to buy it then just give it away get rid of it and change the images. Now what kind of images do you have. Here we are. We're going on a trip. And here's the car and here's a trunk. OK now we're getting already and we put all the suitcase in the soup. I mean clearly it's in the car manual. How many suitcases this trunk hold five suitcases. It says that you got six suitcases sitting right there on the ground now. How do you visualize it. Who are you. What kind of a thinker are you. Do you know that most people are going to need help are going to say
there's something missing in that logic there somewhere. And so you train yourself when you're young because you believe that stuff. Not that it's anybody else's fault you believe it. You believe that you didn't have to. Now you've got to take responsibility for buying it and if it doesn't apply anymore side and if you nobody wants to buy it then just give it away get rid of it and change the images. Now what kind of images do you have. Here we are. We're going on a trip. And here's the car and here's a trunk. OK now we're getting already and we put all the suitcase in the soup. I mean clearly it's in the car manual. How many suitcases this trunk hold five suitcases. It says that you got six suitcases sitting right there on the ground now. How do you visualize it. Who are you. What kind of a thinker are you. Do you know that most people are going to need help are going to say
you can't get those suitcases in that trunk. Now when you have that kind of a picture that it can't be done. Do you know how that gets stored away in terms of the action that you take on it. You say we're just going to have to repack them or we're going to have to put one in the back seat and that's it can't be done. There's those who say now there's a challenge. I know it can be done. And you know there are people like that. Those two cases are going to get in the truck. I know it and they start wearing this and they put it over there and I thought I did this enough. And they see it happening. What kind of visions do you have. Who are you. I'm not standing up in front of all of you people saying that all you have to do is put a different picture in your head and your life is going to turn around. I am saying and get this I am saying that you must start first with the kinds of pictures that you have and then they will get stored away in you as reality. And when that reality gets stored away in you you will start acting on that reality rather than on another reality.
you can't get those suitcases in that trunk. Now when you have that kind of a picture that it can't be done. Do you know how that gets stored away in terms of the action that you take on it. You say we're just going to have to repack them or we're going to have to put one in the back seat and that's it can't be done. There's those who say now there's a challenge. I know it can be done. And you know there are people like that. Those two cases are going to get in the truck. I know it and they start wearing this and they put it over there and I thought I did this enough. And they see it happening. What kind of visions do you have. Who are you. I'm not standing up in front of all of you people saying that all you have to do is put a different picture in your head and your life is going to turn around. I am saying and get this I am saying that you must start first with the kinds of pictures that you have and then they will get stored away in you as reality. And when that reality gets stored away in you you will start acting on that reality rather than on another reality.
There's a word in our language it's called disaster.
There's a word in our language it's called disaster.
You know it means the origin of knowledge of disaster. It means to dis associate from the astral. T R That's the origin of it. This astral
You know it means the origin of knowledge of disaster. It means to dis associate from the astral. T R That's the origin of it. This astral
disassociate from the astral the astral is the plane the dimension that I'm calling thought Emerson said You become what you think about all day long. You are the sum total of your thoughts. Whatever you think therefore it shall be.
disassociate from the astral the astral is the plane the dimension that I'm calling thought Emerson said You become what you think about all day long. You are the sum total of your thoughts. Whatever you think therefore it shall be.
Someone said
Someone said
Do not be conformed to this world but be what transformed of it
Do not be conformed to this world but be what transformed of it
thought and visualization are the same thing. It's practice in the astral plane if you want to learn how to hit a back end in tennis in the physical dimension that you are the one percent of you that is physical. You go out there and you had a thousand a day you had a thousand a day and if you had a thousand back and a day for a year you're going to be able to hit a backhand without thinking about it. It's going to be automatic and are going to be good at it and that's called practice. Thoughts visualization are practice in the formless dimension and the more you practice those thoughts you will act eventual upon whatever thoughts you have and it's why I tell people who are trying to lose weight don't try to lose weight because lose is a negative. Whenever you fight something you're always weaker. Every time you fight something you're weaker. You don't want to be a fighter of anything you want to be a flower if you will. You want to understand that when you're fighting something it owns you and you're always weaker for the result. In order to be the way that you want to be you have to see yourself looking the way you want to look and you get that picture in your mind and you store it away and you get that picture and you have it there and you see yourself looking that way and before long you will act on that picture.
thought and visualization are the same thing. It's practice in the astral plane if you want to learn how to hit a back end in tennis in the physical dimension that you are the one percent of you that is physical. You go out there and you had a thousand a day you had a thousand a day and if you had a thousand back and a day for a year you're going to be able to hit a backhand without thinking about it. It's going to be automatic and are going to be good at it and that's called practice. Thoughts visualization are practice in the formless dimension and the more you practice those thoughts you will act eventual upon whatever thoughts you have and it's why I tell people who are trying to lose weight don't try to lose weight because lose is a negative. Whenever you fight something you're always weaker. Every time you fight something you're weaker. You don't want to be a fighter of anything you want to be a flower if you will. You want to understand that when you're fighting something it owns you and you're always weaker for the result. In order to be the way that you want to be you have to see yourself looking the way you want to look and you get that picture in your mind and you store it away and you get that picture and you have it there and you see yourself looking that way and before long you will act on that picture.
The first thing about visualization and the key to understanding it is that you act on the image that you have consistently whatever it is that you're doing this is true for gaining wealth if you continually convince yourself that you're. Poor that you can't make any money that this is your lot in life. That is because of your inheritance because of where you happen to live or whatever it may be that this is something that you are stuck with then that's how you're going to start acting you're going to act on whatever picture you have and you'll consistently go through life expecting not to be able to overcome that. It's true of everything. That's the first part of visualization you act on the pictures that you have so you go to work on the pictures. The second thing is that when you visualize something what you have to understand is that everything you visualize is already here. Where else could it be on another planet in another solar system in another reality system in another dimension. It's here if you want to sell five million widgets to somebody else and you've only got a hundred to five million widgets may not be here. But who are you going to sell them to I mean that's basically what you're looking at. And those five million people are here someplace they've got to be on this planet we're not talking about selling them to Martians. They're here. All you have to do is tune in you have to tune in to them all right and help them to have the same image that you have about them buying your widgets. That's the second thing about visualization. And the third and I think perhaps the most important thing about understanding the power of visualization is that when you visualize something and you want it to work for you all you have to do is continually keep that image in your head. Don't let it go away. Don't let somebody else convince you that you can't have that image. That process of imagery a visualization is that it's already here. You can make it happen because you understand that your behavior comes from the pictures that you have and that picture doesn't have to go away unless you send it away. That's the power of visualization.
The first thing about visualization and the key to understanding it is that you act on the image that you have consistently whatever it is that you're doing this is true for gaining wealth if you continually convince yourself that you're. Poor that you can't make any money that this is your lot in life. That is because of your inheritance because of where you happen to live or whatever it may be that this is something that you are stuck with then that's how you're going to start acting you're going to act on whatever picture you have and you'll consistently go through life expecting not to be able to overcome that. It's true of everything. That's the first part of visualization you act on the pictures that you have so you go to work on the pictures. The second thing is that when you visualize something what you have to understand is that everything you visualize is already here. Where else could it be on another planet in another solar system in another reality system in another dimension. It's here if you want to sell five million widgets to somebody else and you've only got a hundred to five million widgets may not be here. But who are you going to sell them to I mean that's basically what you're looking at. And those five million people are here someplace they've got to be on this planet we're not talking about selling them to Martians. They're here. All you have to do is tune in you have to tune in to them all right and help them to have the same image that you have about them buying your widgets. That's the second thing about visualization. And the third and I think perhaps the most important thing about understanding the power of visualization is that when you visualize something and you want it to work for you all you have to do is continually keep that image in your head. Don't let it go away. Don't let somebody else convince you that you can't have that image. That process of imagery a visualization is that it's already here. You can make it happen because you understand that your behavior comes from the pictures that you have and that picture doesn't have to go away unless you send it away. That's the power of visualization.
You are the creator of Fox which means that in some metaphysical way you are the creator of your life thought originates with each one of us but most of us have trained ourselves to believe that whatever we think just sort of happens and fast just sort of caught the pop in theory you know they just sort of pop in then I can't help it I'm walking along they just put There's a thought in this just there and I can't help it it just happened that isn't true when you train your mind. We spend so much of our energy training ourselves in all kinds of areas. We train ourselves in business and we're going to get a new computer system. We go out and we spend millions of dollars in a company and we train people how to work it and we want to become good at golf or swimming or tennis or backgammon or anything that you can think of. We know that we got to go out and we got to practice and we got to train ourselves we train ourselves and we ignore our mind which is ninety nine percent of who we are we just completely ignore it like there's no training available for our minds and we can all do that. I've really learned how to do it myself. No one ever taught me but I've really learned how to train my mind I mean anybody listening who thinks that they have a bad memory. If they want to train it they couldn't order a couple of sets of tapes. Right from this company they can work on train A memory and then in a matter of a week in order to teach it you never had taught in Berlin for half a year it was seventy students in the class and I would have been the first student introduce themselves and their name and I would have the second student introduce the person who was just introduced and himself and then each time I would repeat it and I'd have the third student introduced the two that he had just introduced plus himself. And we do that for the whole class. That's by the time we got to the seventieth student they had to introduce everybody in the class by name and I would then repeat each one of them and I just had a very simple technique for doing that. It was just like concentrated effort on making my mind remember seventy people's names. Even an hour and a half now. I wasn't doing it to waste an hour and a half. This was a class on teaching people how to identify neurotic behavior and it's like what I wanted to do was to teach them that they could do things with their minds just like their patients do that they never thought of that they never even dreamt were possible for them. Two weeks later three weeks later they would have like eighty ninety percent recall. And by the end of the fourth or fifth week everybody knew everybody's name in the class and they're all trained observers and most people go out there and are introduced to so many say Hello my name is when they what would you say your name was I can't remember one person's name in one minute and they think that oh I have a poor memory but it's because they don't train to
You are the creator of Fox which means that in some metaphysical way you are the creator of your life thought originates with each one of us but most of us have trained ourselves to believe that whatever we think just sort of happens and fast just sort of caught the pop in theory you know they just sort of pop in then I can't help it I'm walking along they just put There's a thought in this just there and I can't help it it just happened that isn't true when you train your mind. We spend so much of our energy training ourselves in all kinds of areas. We train ourselves in business and we're going to get a new computer system. We go out and we spend millions of dollars in a company and we train people how to work it and we want to become good at golf or swimming or tennis or backgammon or anything that you can think of. We know that we got to go out and we got to practice and we got to train ourselves we train ourselves and we ignore our mind which is ninety nine percent of who we are we just completely ignore it like there's no training available for our minds and we can all do that. I've really learned how to do it myself. No one ever taught me but I've really learned how to train my mind I mean anybody listening who thinks that they have a bad memory. If they want to train it they couldn't order a couple of sets of tapes. Right from this company they can work on train A memory and then in a matter of a week in order to teach it you never had taught in Berlin for half a year it was seventy students in the class and I would have been the first student introduce themselves and their name and I would have the second student introduce the person who was just introduced and himself and then each time I would repeat it and I'd have the third student introduced the two that he had just introduced plus himself. And we do that for the whole class. That's by the time we got to the seventieth student they had to introduce everybody in the class by name and I would then repeat each one of them and I just had a very simple technique for doing that. It was just like concentrated effort on making my mind remember seventy people's names. Even an hour and a half now. I wasn't doing it to waste an hour and a half. This was a class on teaching people how to identify neurotic behavior and it's like what I wanted to do was to teach them that they could do things with their minds just like their patients do that they never thought of that they never even dreamt were possible for them. Two weeks later three weeks later they would have like eighty ninety percent recall. And by the end of the fourth or fifth week everybody knew everybody's name in the class and they're all trained observers and most people go out there and are introduced to so many say Hello my name is when they what would you say your name was I can't remember one person's name in one minute and they think that oh I have a poor memory but it's because they don't train to
change the way that you process anything in your life is really so simple. And we try to make it so complicated now it's simplicity is what makes it so complex or so difficult for people. It's simplicity is when you say how do you change one thought to another. The answer is you just do it. Nobody knows how how you go from a negative thought of something that is very unpleasant in your mind to something very beautiful and very powerful in your mind you know to go from an image of a suffering animal to a bloke a of roses
change the way that you process anything in your life is really so simple. And we try to make it so complicated now it's simplicity is what makes it so complex or so difficult for people. It's simplicity is when you say how do you change one thought to another. The answer is you just do it. Nobody knows how how you go from a negative thought of something that is very unpleasant in your mind to something very beautiful and very powerful in your mind you know to go from an image of a suffering animal to a bloke a of roses
the way that you do that is you just do you just picture the roses now instead of the animal. Now what we want to do is try to come up with what are all a sin that has that been created in there and where there's all of the chemistry involved in there. I don't know the answer to that I'm not a chemist I do know that if I want to change a thought
the way that you do that is you just do you just picture the roses now instead of the animal. Now what we want to do is try to come up with what are all a sin that has that been created in there and where there's all of the chemistry involved in there. I don't know the answer to that I'm not a chemist I do know that if I want to change a thought
that I just have to do it and it's just like I tell people if you want to quit smoking I mean you where you do it is you Stop putting cigarettes in your mouth if you want to quit habit of nail biting then you keep your fingers out of your mouth if you. I want to change the habit of processing the world in a negative way. Then you change the negative thoughts to change the way you process and how you do it is that you simply do it how you sustain it is through being aware of what kind of thoughts are creating that in the first place. If it's so easy why don't people do it. The answer to that is because the payoffs for not doing that are greater than the payouts are for doing it. If you are
that I just have to do it and it's just like I tell people if you want to quit smoking I mean you where you do it is you Stop putting cigarettes in your mouth if you want to quit habit of nail biting then you keep your fingers out of your mouth if you. I want to change the habit of processing the world in a negative way. Then you change the negative thoughts to change the way you process and how you do it is that you simply do it how you sustain it is through being aware of what kind of thoughts are creating that in the first place. If it's so easy why don't people do it. The answer to that is because the payoffs for not doing that are greater than the payouts are for doing it. If you are