wan dyer
and you're not able to manipulate and control them through your gentleness and manipulating and controlling people is on your agenda
then that's what you're going to do. Now if you get that off of your agenda or if you realize that that agenda is keeping me from relating to the people the way I would like to and it's going to end up in another divorce or another painful experience for me. If you can recognize that sometimes you have to go through several of those before you get it then you stop there's a payoff for all of that. So yes it's easier to be Christ like
it really and truly is easier to be Buddha like. But the payoffs for that in a world where people are still trying to manipulate and control others and acquire for themselves and get an outcome isn't nearly as great
a fundamental thing for the awakening soul or for the person who's discovering that magnificent universe within
that all of those emotions that you experience the rage and the hate and anger and the bitterness. The tension stress and all that emotional baggage that we carry around with us comes from I thought it's like when you're in a dream in your sound asleep or you're having a dream and everything is in thought when you're in your dream. Perhaps you're having an angry exchange with someone in your dream and you're handing them an ear and you're biting and you're punching them and you scream and you're scratching at them and I mean and you wake up and you look back on the dream you realize it was all thought. I mean everything was not I mean the character that you're in fighting with the thought and the scratching and the hitting that all thought and then it's just all going on in your mind and you look at yourself and you realize that you're breathing hard your blood pressure is up and that you know your jobs may be clenched and your fist may be clenched and it's and there's a tightness about you and that all came from thought and it's like an illusion. I mean the real cause of it wasn't the person because the person thought the real cause of all of this stuff that you're experiencing in your body right now as you as you're awake looking back on this day was just thoughts created all that your thoughts can make your blood pressure go up. Your thoughts can make your skin flush it can give you an ulcer. It can make you cry. Can make you rage and it can make you a killer robots. That's within each one of us. So that when you discover that and that's one of the beauties of knowing why you dream or mean everything that you do in that state you're capable of doing in the awakened state if you will and so you look at the awakened state and you look at the things that make you angry and you realize that they're just thoughts that he doesn't really make you angry. He can't you make yourself angry over your way of processing who he is
and that your sadness and your stress I really thought that there's no such. Yes out there that is only stressful thinking and then acting on the stressful part. So you begin to see that it's like that all of my problems all my difficulties all of my emotional charge and stuff that I don't really want to defend all comes from my thoughts my thinking mind which is where your divine this resides. So what you do is you go to work on that you know go to work on your emotions. You go to work and what creates those emotions especially the ones that don't work for
you. Prove to yourself that you're more than just a five sensory being and if you really want to know this about yourself and you're committed to changing it then write down all of the things that you experience within yourself that are beyond your sense of taste and sight and hearing and smell and touch to what you want to do here is you want to prove to yourself that you are more than just a physical body. And it's necessary for you to believe it. In order for you to get to this new alignment that is going to manifest real magic for yourself. So what you do is keep a journal for a day keeping a journal to wonderful idea anyway keep a thought Journal just for one day. Record all of your inner world there all of the things that are beyond the physical so you can know not just believe but know that you are a multi-sensory being here you're going to note any of your intuitive hunches you have an intuition just a slight little hunch jot it down you're keeping a journal of your inner world. You want to get the insight that you're much more than just a physical being. By keeping track of your actions in the physical world you learn that you're a physical being. OK so that you can keep track of your heart rate for example on how of what your pulse is and you can keep track of how fast you run and you can keep track of how many times you blink your eyes and there's a lot of things that you can count about your physical world and so you don't have any doubt that you are a physical being. But but. Keeping track of the inner being. You get the insight that your actions are coming from something that isn't physical at all. You keep track of your thoughts. You keep track of your intuition you keep track of your feelings you keep track of your notions your visualizations the pictures that you get in your head you write them down just chop them down the end of a day you look in you say hey I'm a five sensory being of course but I'm also more than that. All of this stuff here like I can't see that intuitive picture but it's there it's real. Now you're becoming a multi-sensory being
another thing that you can do to become a multi dimensional being is to go beyond your five senses you exercise the power of your mind and something that you might perceive to be difficult. Visualize yourself doing something that has always been difficult for you in your life. Now what you're trying to do here is to see that you can affect the physical world with the invisible world. So what you want to is that's your goal for you've had difficulty with a golf swing. Visualize yourself having a perfect golf swing or something that may be very difficult for you to do and maybe it's something you've never done in your adult life and that is to go to a cocktail party and not have a drink. Powerful emotion. Visualize yourself get a picture of yourself at a cocktail party where everyone else is having a cocktail and you just have a glass of water. Just picture that in your mind even if you're not ready to do that yet another thing that might be difficult for you is to jog a mile or to bake a cake for the first time or something that I did recently I have and I've got all of these little children and I've never been to the movies on Saturday afternoon with my children in my life. I've been to the movies on Saturday afternoon when I was a little boy. My wife and I have gone to the movies and slipped away on a Saturday afternoon when we got a babysitter but I have never had the experience of taking my two year old and my four year old and my six year old eight year old and my ten year old and putting them. On my lap and getting popcorn and taking a Saturday afternoon and just being there with them. This movie came out called hook
and I had read about it and the kids all wanted to see it and I was preparing to figure out a way so that they could see it. That is I would hire my babysitter and she would take them all and then I would do whatever I do on Saturday afternoon which is play tennis or meditate or write or. And I have the kids out of my life for a few hours. But this time I visualize myself doing that and I got a picture of it on a Friday evening and my wife and I were just lying in bed and we were talking about US have wouldn't be nice to just take the kids ourselves to the movies and have like a family thing and it became from a thought. We turned it into a reality and we went to the movies after we had that thought. It started with a thought and we created a wonderful phenomenal afternoon my little boy sat on my lap and we played hook and you know we did all the kinds of things and I didn't realize what a Saturday afternoon movie theater is like this it's just a lot of talking a lot of screaming kids running around and it was wonderful it was a joyous experience. So picture anything in your life that perhaps you think you should be doing. Or are you going to prioritize your life. I've said in many of my talks that and when I used to work with dying patients that I never heard anyone on their deathbed ever say i wish i'd of spent more time at the office always. They say I wish I'd have done. And you know what that list is like because you got it for yourself. I wish I would've spent more time with my family. I wish I'd of gotten the priorities of my life straightened out I wish I would have done things that would have made me a more loving spiritual being rather than accumulating a lot of things. So you don't have to wait till you're on your deathbed to experience it. So once you get this picture of something that seems tough for you to do jogging a mile. I mean if you're a couch potato listening to this and you've got a gut and you've been drinking too much beer. When you've been sitting around too much or if you're a housewife who has not gotten yourself is likely out of shape but you still know that jogging a mile would be a tough thing to do. Just get a picture of yourself doing that all right. Now the picture is non-sensory vision of yourself performing this difficult task. Describe it in detail in writing or recorded on tape. Get an image of this several times and see if you can create the reality from the vision. When you do this when you accomplish this you will have broken through five sensory to the multisensory level of the image. Remember this the image is beyond your senses. It is invisible to the senses and the action that you created from this picture came from that invisible part of your humanity. Get to know this higher part of yourself that truly wants to transcend the many limits that you believe in by functioning exclusively as a five sensory being. So here what you're doing is you're creating images and visions of things that are transcendent for you. You start with the picture and you hold the picture and then you take a picture which is beyond the senses and you move it into the five senses and you have created the molecules of your life from your thoughts. And that's how all of life is created.
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