:balloon:We run new contest!:balloon: All the details you can find here: <%=contest.telegramUrl()%>
:balloon:We run new contest!:balloon:
All the details you can find here:<%=contest.telegramUrl()%>
:balloon:Lanzamos un nuevo concurso!:balloon:
Puedes encontrar todos los detalles aquí:<%=contest.telegramUrl()%>
:balloon:We run new contest!:balloon: For further details follow this link and press 'Start': <>
:balloon:We run new contest!:balloon:
For further details follow this link and press 'Start':<>
:balloon:Lanzamos un nuevo concurso!:balloon:
Para detalles adicionales sigue este vínculo y presiona 'Empezar':<>
<%=contest.title%> <%=contest.item.shortUrl%> :gift:Do you want to get this item for free? All the details you can find here: <%=contest.telegramUrl()%>
:gift:Do you want to get this item for free?
All the details you can find here:<%=contest.telegramUrl()%>
:gift:Quieres obtener este artículo gratis?
Puedes encontrar todos los detalles aquí:<%=contest.telegramUrl()%>
<%=contest.title%> <%=contest.item.shortUrl%> :gift:Do you want to get this item for free? For further details follow this link and press 'Start': <>
:gift:Do you want to get this item for free?
For further details follow this link and press 'Start':<>
:gift:Quieres obtener este artículo gratis?
Para detalles adicionales sigue este vínculo y presiona 'Empezar':<>
:balloon: Take part in the contest and win a prize: :arrow_right: <%=contest.item.shortUrl%> :alarm_clock: The contest will end at <%=contest.getExpireDate()%> <%if (contest.winnersCount > 1) {%> :gift: <%=contest.winnersCount%> most active users will get prizes! <%}%> <%if (topMembers.length) {%> TOP users at the moment: <%topMembers.forEach(function (member, i) {%> <%=i+1%>. <%=member.user.fullname%> +<%=member.refCount%> <%})}%> :trophy: To win the contest you need: 1. Give :star::star::star::star::star: to our bot 2. Join the channel <> @<> 3. Invite the largest number of frends. Just forward them the message below: :arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down:
:balloon: Take part in the contest and win a prize:
:arrow_right: <%=contest.item.shortUrl%>
:alarm_clock: The contest will end at<%=contest.getExpireDate()%>
<%if (contest.winnersCount >
1) {%>
:gift: <%=contest.winnersCount%> most active users will get prizes!<%}
%><%if (topMembers.length) {%>
TOP users at the moment:<%topMembers.forEach(function (member, i) {%>
. <%=member.user.fullname%> +<%=member.refCount%><%})}%>
:trophy: To win the contest you need:
1. Give :star::star::star::star::star: to our bot
2. Join the channel <> @<>
3. Invite the largest number of frends. Just forward them the message below:
:arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down::balloon: Participa en el concurso y gana un premio:
:arrow_right: <%=contest.item.shortUrl%>
:alarm_clock: El concurso terminará el<%=contest.getExpireDate()%>
<%if (contest.winnersCount >
1) {%>
:gift: Los <%=contest.winnersCount%> usuarios más activos ganan premios!<%}
%>;<%if (topMembers.length) {%>
Usuarios PRINCIPALES del momento:<%topMembers.forEach(function (member, i) {%>
. <%=member.user.fullname%> +<%=member.refCount%><%})}%>
:trophy: Para ganar el concurso consigue el mayor número de amigos. Sólo envíales el mensaje de abajo:
:tada:The contest is over :trophy:Winners: < (winner, i) {%> <%=winner.user.fullname%> +<%=winner.refCount%> <%})%> Send any questions to @<%=contestAdmin%> Ending date: <%=contest.getExpireDate()%>
:tada:The contest is over
:trophy:Winners:< (winner, i) {%>
<%=winner.user.fullname%> +<%=winner.refCount%><%})%>
Send any questions to @<%=contestAdmin%>
Ending date:<%=contest.getExpireDate()%>
:tada:El concurso ha terminado
:trophy:Ganadores:< (winner, i) {%>
<%=winner.user.fullname%> +<%=winner.refCount%><%})%>
Envía cualquier pregunta a @<%=contestAdmin%>
Fecha de finalización:<%=contest.getExpireDate()%>
<> @<> :fire:<%=member.user.shortname%> needs your help to win this prize! Follow this link and press 'Start' to vote: <>
<> @<>
:fire:<%=member.user.shortname%> needs your help to win this prize!
Follow this link and press 'Start' to vote:<>
<> @<>
:fire:<%=member.user.shortname%> necesita tu ayuda para ganar este premio!
Sigue este vínculo y presiona 'Start' para votar:<>
:tada: Great! You've just helped your friend <%=member.user.nickname%> in the contest. All the details about the contest you can see here: <%=member.contest.telegramUrl()%>
:tada: Great! You've just helped your friend <%=member.user.nickname%> in the contest.
All the details about the contest you can see here:<%=member.contest.telegramUrl()%>
:tada: Genial! Has ayudado a tu amigo <%=member.user.nickname%> en el concurso.
Puedes ver todos los detalles del concurso aquí:<%=member.contest.telegramUrl()%>
:tada: Your friend <%=referral.nickname%> has just helped you in the contest! Your points: +<%=member.refCount%>. All the details about the contest you can see here: <%=member.contest.telegramUrl()%>
:tada: Your friend <%=referral.nickname%> has just helped you in the contest! Your points: +<%=member.refCount%>.
All the details about the contest you can see here:<%=member.contest.telegramUrl()%>
:tada: Tu amigo <%=referral.nickname%> te ha ayudado en el concurso! Tus puntos: +<%=member.refCount%>.
Puedes ver todos los detalles de concurso aquí:<%=member.contest.telegramUrl()%>
:tada: Congradulations, you are the winner! Write @<%=contestAdmin%> to get the prize. All the details about the contest you can see here: <%=contest.telegramUrl()%>
:tada: Congradulations, you are the winner!
Write @<%=contestAdmin%> to get the prize.
All the details about the contest you can see here:<%=contest.telegramUrl()%>
:tada: Felicitaciones, eres el ganador!
Escribe al @<%=contestAdmin%> para obtener el premio.
Puedes ver todos los detalles del concurso aquí:<%=contest.telegramUrl()%>
:trophy: The contest is over, here are the winners: < (winner, i){%> <%=winner.user.fullname%> +<%=winner.refCount%> <%})%> All the details about the contest you can see here: <%=contest.telegramUrl()%>
:trophy: The contest is over, here are the winners:
< (winner, i){%>
<%=winner.user.fullname%> +<%=winner.refCount%><%})%>
All the details about the contest you can see here:<%=contest.telegramUrl()%>
:trophy: El concurso terminó, aquí están los ganadores:< (winner, i){%>
<%=winner.user.fullname%> +<%=winner.refCount%><%})%>
Puedes ver todos los detalles del concurso aquí:<%=contest.telegramUrl()%>
:point_up: You've already voted for your friend.
:point_up: You've already voted for your friend.
:point_up: Ya has votado por tu amigo.
:point_up: You can't vote for yourself, your friend should do this.
:point_up: You can't vote for yourself, your friend should do this.
:point_up: No puedes votarte a ti mismo, tu amigo debe hacerlo.
This bot collects cool stuff from AliExpress for you. Also we constantly run contests with prizes and let you share your best findings from AliExpress with the community. Join us! :)
This bot collects cool stuff from AliExpress for you.
Also we constantly run contests with prizes and let you share your best findings from AliExpress with the community.
Join us! :)Este bot recolecta cosas interesantes de AliExpress para ti.
También lanzamos concursos constantemente con premios y te dejamos compartir tus mejores búsquedas en AliExpress con la comunidades.
Únete! :) -
:no_entry: Unfortunately, you can't participate in this contest because you were the leader of the previous one. :point_up: Let's give a chance to win to the other participants. Don't be upset, you will able to join our next contest. :blush:
:no_entry: Unfortunately, you can't participate in this contest because you were the leader of the previous one.
:point_up: Let's give a chance to win to the other participants.
Don't be upset, you will able to join our next contest. :blush: