Fast Launcher 2016
%s deactivated
%s deactivated
%s desactiváu -
Whoops… unable to launch that app.
Whoops… unable to launch that app.
Coima… nun pue llanciase esa aplicación. -
History erased.
History erased.
Desanicióse la historia. -
Favorites erased.
Favorites erased.
Desaniciáronse los favoritos. -
Excluded apps list erased.
Excluded apps list erased.
Desanicióse'l llistáu d'aplicaciones escluyíes. -
App excluded from FAST. Reset through the FAST settings
App excluded from FAST. Reset through the FAST settings
Desanicióse -
%s hibernated successfully, relaunch to awake.
%s hibernated successfully, relaunch to awake.
%s ivernóse con ésitu, rellancialu pa despertalu. -
%s not hibernated successfully.
%s not hibernated successfully.
%s nun s'ivernó con ésitu. -
%s was added to favorites
%s was added to favorites
%s amestóse a favoritos -
%s was removed from favorites
%s was removed from favorites
Shortcut added to FAST.
Shortcut added to FAST.
Amestóse l'atayu a FAST. -
%s have exist in favorites bar
%s have exist in favorites bar
Light theme
Light theme
Semi-transparent theme
Semi-transparent theme
Transparent theme (default)
Transparent theme (default)
Dark theme
Dark theme
Dark semi-transparent theme
Dark semi-transparent theme
Dark transparent theme
Dark transparent theme
From A to Z
From A to Z
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