Fast Launcher 2016
Jalan pintas -
Reset your FAST history
Reset your FAST history
Hapus riwayat FAST anda -
Reset excluded app list
Reset excluded app list
Hapus daftar app pengecualian -
Do you really want to reset your excluded app list?
Do you really want to reset your excluded app list?
Kamu benar-benar ingin menghapus daftar pengecualian app anda? -
Do you really want to reset your history?
Do you really want to reset your history?
Anda benar-benar ingin menghapus riwayat anda? -
Reset your list of favorites
Reset your list of favorites
Hapus daftar favorit anda -
Do you really want to reset your favorites?
Do you really want to reset your favorites?
Anda benar-benar ingin menghapus favorit anda? -
Display keyboard on start
Display keyboard on start
Tampilkan papan ketik ketika memulai -
Enable spellcheck
Enable spellcheck
Aktifkan pemeriksa ejaan -
Hide history and intro screen
Hide history and intro screen
Sembunyikan riwayat dan layar pengantar -
Minimalistic UI
Minimalistic UI
UI Minimalistik -
Minimalistic UI: Show history on touch
Minimalistic UI: Show history on touch
UI Minimalistik: Tampilkan riwayat saat menyentuh -
Force portrait mode
Force portrait mode
Paksa mode portrait -
Hide application icons
Hide application icons
Sembunyikan ikon aplikasi -
Useful on slow devices
Useful on slow devices
Berfungsi pada perangkat lambat -
If available use it to hibernate applications
If available use it to hibernate applications
Jika tersedia gunakan hal itu untuk menghibernasi aplikasi -
Root mode
Root mode
Mode root -
Unable to gain root privileges.
Unable to gain root privileges.
Gagal mendapatkan izin root. -
Theme icons pack
Theme icons pack
Tema Ikon (tema ADW.Launcher) -
System icons
System icons
Ikon sistem
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