Fulmine Software/Speedometer
Speedometer with notification in status bar
Speedometer with
notification in status barVelocímetro con
notificacións na barra de estado -
Many details in notification area
Many details
in notification areaMultitude de detalles
na área de notificacións -
Trip statistics and current location
Trip statistics
and current locationEstatísticas dunha viaxe
e localización actual -
Activity presets
Activity presets
Actividades predefinidas -
Various unit systems
Various unit systems
Varias unidades de sistema -
Notification visible on lock screen
Notification visible
on lock screenNotificacións visibles
na pantalla de bloqueo -
Application name. Please translate it and start each word from capital letter. Please do not capitalize all letters in "Pro" suffix. Do not translate "Pro" suffix unless it is common to differently name it in your language.
Speedometer ProSpeedometer Pro
Velocímetro Pro -
Velocímetro -
If translation of words "material design" sounds strange or is not understandable in your language, please leave them untranslated and supplementing it with translation of word 'style'.
Material Design speedometer with status bar notification!Material Design speedometer with status bar notification!
Velocímetro con Material Design e notificacións na barra de estado! -
Colorful themes - personalize the look of your Speedometer.
Colorful themes - personalize the look of your Speedometer.
Temas coloridos - personaliza a aparencia do teu velocímetro/contaquilómetros. -
Shows current location, address and GPS status.
Shows current location, address and GPS status.
Mostra a localización actual, o enderezo e o estado do GPS. -
Displays average and maximum speed, trip time and movement time.
Displays average and maximum speed, trip time and movement time.
Mostra as velocidades máxima e media, o tempo da viaxe e o tempo en movemento. -
Supported speed units: km/h, mph, knots.
Supported speed units: km/h, mph, knots.
Admite varias unidades de medida: km/h, mph e nós. -
Supported distance units: kilometers, miles, nautical miles.
Supported distance units: kilometers, miles, nautical miles.
Admite varias unidades de distancia: quilómetros, millas e millas náuticas. -
Activity presets allows you to quickly change the units and maximum speed displayed on the speedometer scale according to the current activity, for example: walking, running, cycling, driving a car, sailing etc.
Activity presets allows you to quickly change the units and maximum speed displayed on the speedometer scale according to the current activity, for example: walking, running, cycling, driving a car, sailing etc.
As actividades predefinidas permiten cambiar rapidamente as unidades e a velocidade máxima que se mostra no velocímetro de acordo cunha escala e en función da actividade que se desenvolva: camiñar, correr, ciclismo, conducindo un coche, navegando etc. -
Easy to use.
Easy to use.
Uso sinxelo. -
This Speedometer app informs you about the current speed, distance, trip time and much more! It is very useful when traveling by bike or car, while walking or running, however please remember, you can use it anywhere possible.
This Speedometer app informs you about the current speed, distance, trip time and much more!
It is very useful when traveling by bike or car, while walking or running, however please remember, you can use it anywhere possible.Esta aplicación informarate da velocidade actual, a distancia, o tempo de viaxe e moito máis!
É moi útil para cando vas en bicicleta, camiñas ou corres, mais lembra que podes empregala onde queiras. -
Main advantages of our Speedometer app:
Main advantages of our Speedometer app:
Características principais de Velocímetro: -
Status bar notification - know your speed, distance, trip time and other statistics while using other apps or on lock screen (lock screen notification works on Lollipop and newer).
Status bar notification - know your speed, distance, trip time and other statistics while using other apps or on lock screen (lock screen notification works on Lollipop and newer).
Notificacións na barra de estado - coñece a velocidade, a distancia, o tempo de viaxe e outros datos mentres usas outras aplicacións ou coa pantalla bloqueada (as notificacións na pantalla de bloqueo funcionan a partir de Lollipop). -
To turn off the notification, just expand it and tap the "stop" button.To turn off the notification, just expand it and tap the "stop" button.Para desactivar as notificacións simplemente expande a notificación e toca en "Deter".