Fulmine Software/Common texts for all apps by Fulmine Software (Fulmine Tools Library)
If you like our app we'll be more than happy to see your rating and comment in the store. High ratings help apps become more popular. We regularly read and analyse all comments in the store in order to improve our apps.
If you like our app we'll be more than happy to see your rating and comment in the store. High ratings help apps become more popular. We regularly read and analyse all comments in the store in order to improve our apps.
Se você gosta de nosso aplicativo, ficaríamos mais do que felizes de ver a sua avaliação e comentário na Play Store. Altos índices de ajuda tornam os aplicativos mais populares. Nós regularmente lemos e analisamos todos os comentários colocados na Play Store de forma a melhorar nossos aplicativos.
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