Fulmine Software/Common texts for all apps by Fulmine Software (Fulmine Tools Library)
Would you like to report an issue?
Would you like to report an issue?
Bir sorun bildirmek ister misin? -
Lock screen button description - when pressed screen will be locked so it won't rotate when device is rotated.
Lock screen rotationLock screen rotation
Ekran dönd. kilitle -
Unlock screen button description - when pressed screen will be unlocked so it will rotate when device is rotated.
Unlock screen rotationUnlock screen rotation
Ekran dönd. kilidini aç -
Turn on auto-rotate in system settings
Turn on auto-rotate in system settings
Sistem ayarlarından otomatik dönmeyi etkinleştirin -
Ayarlar -
Choose app
Choose app
Uygulama seç -
Çıkış -
Displayed on button that scrolls information one page down. This text should be translated like button "Next>" in many application setup creators on PC (without ">" of course).
İleri -
"Google Play Services" - this is a title of some important component of Android™ system. When translating, please use the same name of this component as found here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.gms
There is a problem connecting to Google Play ServicesThere is a problem connecting to Google Play Services
Google Play Hizmetlerine bağlanırken hata oluştu -
Trying to resolve…
Trying to resolve…
Çözmeye uğraşıyoruz… -
Problem wasn't solved
Problem wasn't solved
Problem çözülmedi -
Ayarlar -
Bitti -
Kapat -
Geç -
Draw overlays permission required
Draw overlays permission required
Üst üste bindir izni gerekli -
"Draw over other apps" should be the same text as displayed in "Advanced" section of device settings for this app.
%1$s requires draw overlays permission in order to function. Grant "Draw over other apps" permission in app device settings to continue.%1$s requires draw overlays permission in order to function. Grant "Draw over other apps" permission in app device settings to continue.
%1$s uygulamasının çalışabilmesi için diğer uyg. üzerine çizme izni gerekli. Devam etmek için "Diğer uygulamaların üzerinde görüntüle" iznini cihaz ayarlarından etkinleştirin. -
Yardım -
Tekrar Dene -
App license verification failed. Please ensure that the device is connected to the Internet and then restart the app to verify with the license server. Further app operation will be possible after a positive license verification. App will close in a moment.
App license verification failed.
Please ensure that the device is connected to the Internet and then restart the app to verify with the license server.
Further app operation will be possible after a positive license verification.
App will close in a moment.Uygulama lisans kontrolü başarısız.
Cihazınızın internete bağlı olduğunu kontrol edin ve lisans sunucusuna bağlantı için uygulamayı tekrar başlatın.
Lisans onayı yapıldıktan sonra uygulamanın gelişmiş özelliklerini kullanmaya başlayabilirsiniz.
Uygulama kısa süre içerisinde kapanacak.