Fulmine Software/Handwritten Messages
Lagerplads: kræves for at gemme og sende dine beskeder.
Lagerplads: kræves for at gemme og sende dine beskeder.
Storage: required to save and send your messages. -
Netværksadgang: for at tillade fejlrapportering (valgfri) og vise annoncer (dog ikke mange).
Netværksadgang: for at tillade fejlrapportering (valgfri) og vise annoncer (dog ikke mange).
Network access: to allow bug reporting (optional) and showing ads (not many). -
Opret en håndskreven besked
Opret en håndskreven besked
Create a handwritten
message -
This text will be handwritten in the app by me to make a screenshot for promotional graphics.
If the text uses not standard US latin alphabet, it would be wonderful if you could send me by e-mail a handwritten version of this text (for example using my app) so I would be able to reproduce it on my own. Please send it to translations@fulminesoftware.com.
Please see app's screenshots in the store listing for more contextual information.Jeg elsker dig!Jeg elsker dig!
I love you! -
Send via enhver kommunikationsapp
Send via enhver kommunikationsapp
Send with any
communicator app -
Messenger -
Sociale medier
Sociale medier
Media -
E-mail -
Please see attached image and app's screenshots in the store listing to spot the context.
Pièce jointe :MereMere
More -
Nyd konversationen
the conversation -
Please see app's screenshots in the store listing to spot the context.
Caution -
Please see app's screenshots in the store listing to spot the context.
Ovenstående er et brugseksempel på app'ens resultat i en fiktiv kommunikationsapp. Kommunikationsapp'en er ikke en del af det tilbudte produkt, men vises alene m.h.p. produktpræsentationen.Ovenstående er et brugseksempel på
app'ens resultat i en fiktiv
Kommunikationsapp'en er ikke en del
af det tilbudte produkt, men vises alene
m.h.p. produktpræsentationen.The above is a usage example of
the app's result in a fictional
Communicator app.
The Communicator app is not a part
of the offered product and is only shown
for product presentation purposes. -
Overrask andre med et personligt touch!
Overrask andre med
et personligt touch!Surprise others with
a personal touch! -
This text will be handwritten in the app by me to make a screenshot for promotional graphics.
If the text uses not standard US latin alphabet, it would be wonderful if you could send me by e-mail a handwritten version of this text (for example using my app) so I would be able to reproduce it on my own. Please send it to translations@fulminesoftware.com.
Please see app's screenshots in the store listing to spot the context.Tillykke med fødselsdagen! Hvad med at spise middag med mig? TomTillykke med fødselsdagen! Hvad med at spise middag med mig? Tom
Happy birthday! How about having dinner with me? Tom -
Skitsér vejen at benytte
Skitsér vejen
at benytteSketch the way
to go -
This text will be handwritten in the app by me to make a screenshot for promotional graphics.
If the text uses not standard US latin alphabet, it would be wonderful if you could send me by e-mail a handwritten version of this text (for example using my app) so I would be able to reproduce it on my own. Please send it to translations@fulminesoftware.com.
Please see app's screenshots in the store listing to spot the context.Det er herDet er her
it's here -
Avanceret pensimulering får det til at føles som om du skriver med blæk
Avanceret pensimulering
får det til at føles
som om du skriver med blækAdvanced pen simulation
gives you feeling of
writing with ink -
This text will be handwritten in the app by me to make a screenshot for promotional graphics.
If the text uses not standard US latin alphabet, it would be wonderful if you could send me by e-mail a handwritten version of this text (for example using my app) so I would be able to reproduce it on my own. Please send it to translations@fulminesoftware.com.
Please see app's screenshots in the store listing to spot the context.Avanceret pensimuleringAvanceret pensimulering
Advanced pen simulation! -
Vælg dit yndlingstema
dit yndlingstemaChoose
your favorite theme