Fulmine Software/Mirror
Rear camera
Rear camera
Atzeko kamera -
%1$s - number of camera. This string is used when there is more front cameras than one.
Front camera %1$sFront camera %1$s
%1$s aurreko kamera -
%1$s - number of camera. This string is used when there is more rear cameras than one.
Rear camera %1$sRear camera %1$s
%1$s atzeko kamera -
Mirror orientation
Mirror orientation
Ispiluaren norantza -
Select mirror orientation
Select mirror orientation
Hautatu ispiluaren norantza -
Size of white rectangle which shines to make better visibility of objects in mirror.
Light extentLight extent
Argi neurria -
Select light extent
Select light extent
Hautatu argi neurria -
Aurreratua -
Camera rotation
Camera rotation
Kamera itzulikapena -
Picture rotation
Picture rotation
Irudi itzulikapena -
Berez -
Flip picture horizontally
Flip picture horizontally
Itzulikatu irudia etzanean -
Pictures are flipped horizontally
Pictures are flipped horizontally
Irudiak etzanean itzulikatzen dira -
Pictures are not flipped horizontally
Pictures are not flipped horizontally
Irudiak ez dira etzanean itzulikatzen -
Share photo using
Share photo using
Elkarbanatu argazkia honekin: -
Open gallery
Open gallery
Ireki galeria -
Photo created using the %1$s app for Android
Photo created using the %1$s app for Android
Photo created using the %1$s app for Android from %2$s.
Photo created using the %1$s app for Android from %2$s.
You can install additional effects and frames as plugins to this app.
You can install additional effects and frames as plugins to this app.
Look for more plugins
Look for more plugins
Bilatu plug-in gehiago
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