Fulmine Software/Mirror
Front camera not found
Front camera not found
Cámara frontal non atopada -
It looks like your device hasn't got a front-facing camera. If your device does have a front-facing camera, but you can't see yourself, please try switching camera in app settings. If your device hasn't got front-facing camera, you may still use this app as a digital camera.
It looks like your device hasn't got a front-facing camera.
If your device does have a front-facing camera, but you can't see yourself, please try switching camera in app settings.
If your device hasn't got front-facing camera, you may still use this app as a digital camera.Semella que o teu dispositivo non dispón de cámara frontal.
Se o teu dispositivo ten cámara frontal e non pode verse, por favor cambia a cámara na configuración da aplicación.
Se o teu dispositivo non dispón de cámara frontal, debes usar esta aplicación como unha cámara dixital. -
Error connecting to Google Play
Error connecting to Google Play
Erro ao conectar con Google Play -
You cannot buy products. Please update the Google Play Store app on your device.
You cannot buy products.
Please update the Google Play Store app on your device.Non podes mercar produtos.
Por favor, actualiza a aplicación do Google Play no teu dispositivo. -
This product requires an In-app Purchase app which is currently not installed on your device. Install now?
This product requires an In-app Purchase app which is currently not installed on your device. Install now?
Este produto require a compra interna dunha aplicación que actualmente non está instalado no teu dispositivo. Queres instalala agora? -
In-app Purchase upgrade is required.
In-app Purchase upgrade is required.
Cómpre actualizar a aplicación para tramitar a compra. -
Localized name of our other application called "Flashlight". Please translate this to your language.
Lanterna -
Localized name of our other application called "Compass". Please translate this to your language.
Compás -
Localized name of our other application called "Alarms". Please translate this to your language.
Alarmas -
Localized name of our other application called "Speedometer". Please translate this to your language.
Velocímetro -
Localized name of our other application called "Night Mode". Please translate this to your language.
Night ModeNight Mode
Modo Noite -
Localized name of our other application called "Handwritten Messages". Please translate this to your language.
Handwritten MessagesHandwritten Messages
Mensaxes manuscritas -
Would you like to try out our new app "%1$s"?
Would you like to try out our new app "%1$s"?
Gustaríache probar a nosa nova aplicación "%1$s"? -
Social functions are not available on this device.
Social functions are not available on this device.
Neste dispositivo non están dispoñibles redes sociais. -
Gallery is not available on this device.
Gallery is not available on this device.
A galería non está dispoñible neste dispositivo. -
This app requires access to the camera in order to show your reflection. To continue, grant camera permission.
This app requires access to the camera in order to show your reflection. To continue, grant camera permission.
This app requires permission to access internal memory in order to take pictures. Please grant access internal memory permission.
This app requires permission to access internal memory in order to take pictures. Please grant access internal memory permission.