Fulmine Software/Mirror
Why it's better to use Mirror than the standard camera app:
Why it's better to use Mirror than the standard camera app:
Por que é mellor utilizar Espello que unha aplicación de cámara estándar: -
This app will not go into sleep mode nor will it close during use.
This app will not go into sleep mode nor will it close during use. -
Screen shines in full brightness and additional brightness correction can be easily applied.
Screen shines in full brightness and additional brightness correction can be easily applied. -
You can easily control zoom level even on devices where this feature is not supported by the standard camera app!
You can easily control zoom level even on devices where this feature is not supported by the standard camera app!
Podes facilmente controlar o nivel de zoom naqueles dispositivos cuxa aplicación estándar da cámara non dispón desta funcionalidade! -
You see yourself better in the dark using the light function.
You see yourself better in the dark using the light function.
Un ou unha vese mellor na escuridade grazas á funcionalidade da luz. -
You can quickly freeze the image without needing to take a photo and browse gallery. This function allows for a precise check of your exterior or even check your back!
You can quickly freeze the image without needing to take a photo and browse gallery. This function allows for a precise check of your exterior or even check your back! -
[Portrait, Landscape, Reverse portrait, Reverse landscape]
[Portrait, Landscape, Reverse portrait, Reverse landscape]
[Retrato, Horizontal, Inverter retrato, Horizontal invertido] -
[Small, Medium, Large]
[Small, Medium, Large]
[Pequeno, Mediano, Grande] -
Mirror - Settings
Mirror - Settings
Espello - Axustes -
Mirror has crashed…
Mirror has crashed…
Espello bloqueouse e deixou de funcionar… -
Mirror has crashed
Mirror has crashed
Espello bloqueouse e deixou de funcionar -
Axustes -
Acerca de… -
Traducir -
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We respect your privacy and we treat it seriously. This is why, we only use data necessary for our apps and services to function as efficiently as possible.
We respect your privacy and we treat it seriously. This is why, we only use data necessary for our apps and services to function as efficiently as possible.
Tomámonos a túa privacidade moi en serio! É por iso que só utilizamos aquela información que resulta necesaria para que os nosos produtos e servizos funcionen o mellor posible.