Fulmine Software/Mirror
You can install additional effects and frames as plugins to this app.
You can install additional effects and frames as plugins to this app.
Dodatne učinke in okvirje lahko namestite z vstavki tega programa. -
Look for more plugins
Look for more plugins
Poišči več vstavkov -
Učinki: -
Okvirji: -
Effects: %1$s
Effects: %1$s
Učinki: %1$s -
Frames: %1$s
Frames: %1$s
Okvirji: %1$s -
Običajni -
Front camera not found
Front camera not found
Sprednje kamere ni bilo mogoče najti -
It looks like your device hasn't got a front-facing camera. If your device does have a front-facing camera, but you can't see yourself, please try switching camera in app settings. If your device hasn't got front-facing camera, you may still use this app as a digital camera.
It looks like your device hasn't got a front-facing camera.
If your device does have a front-facing camera, but you can't see yourself, please try switching camera in app settings.
If your device hasn't got front-facing camera, you may still use this app as a digital camera.Videti je, da vaša naprava nima sprednje kamere.
Če jo ima in se ne morete videti, jo poizkusite spremeniti v nastavitvah programa.
Če je nima, lahko ta program še vedno uporabite kot digitalni fotoaparat. -
Error connecting to Google Play
Error connecting to Google Play
Napaka pri povezavi s Trgovino Google Play -
You cannot buy products. Please update the Google Play Store app on your device.
You cannot buy products.
Please update the Google Play Store app on your device.Nakup izdelkov ni mogoč.
Posodobite program Trgovina Google Play na svoji napravi. -
This product requires an In-app Purchase app which is currently not installed on your device. Install now?
This product requires an In-app Purchase app which is currently not installed on your device. Install now?
Ta izdelek zahteva nakup programa, ki trenutno na vaši napravi ni nameščen. Namesti zdaj? -
In-app Purchase upgrade is required.
In-app Purchase upgrade is required.
Zahtevan je nakup nadgradnje. -
Localized name of our other application called "Flashlight". Please translate this to your language.
Svetilka -
Localized name of our other application called "Compass". Please translate this to your language.
Kompas -
Localized name of our other application called "Alarms". Please translate this to your language.
Budilke -
Localized name of our other application called "Speedometer". Please translate this to your language.
Localized name of our other application called "Night Mode". Please translate this to your language.
Night ModeNight Mode
Localized name of our other application called "Handwritten Messages". Please translate this to your language.
Handwritten MessagesHandwritten Messages
Would you like to try out our new app "%1$s"?
Would you like to try out our new app "%1$s"?
Bi radi preizkusili naš nov program \"%1$s\"?