Fulmine Software/Mirror
Viga Google Play ühendumisel
Viga Google Play ühendumisel
Error connecting to Google Play -
Sa ei saa osta tooteid. Palun uuenda Google Play poodi enad seadmel.
Sa ei saa osta tooteid.
Palun uuenda Google Play poodi enad seadmel.You cannot buy products.
Please update the Google Play Store app on your device. -
See toode vajab ostu sooritamisseks rakendust, mida pole sinu seadmesse paigaldatud. Paigaldada kohe?
See toode vajab ostu sooritamisseks rakendust, mida pole sinu seadmesse paigaldatud. Paigaldada kohe?
This product requires an In-app Purchase app which is currently not installed on your device. Install now? -
Vajalik on rakenduse sisene ost.
Vajalik on rakenduse sisene ost.
In-app Purchase upgrade is required. -
Localized name of our other application called "Flashlight". Please translate this to your language.
Flashlight -
Localized name of our other application called "Compass". Please translate this to your language.
Compass -
Localized name of our other application called "Alarms". Please translate this to your language.
Alarms -
Localized name of our other application called "Speedometer". Please translate this to your language.
Speedometer -
Localized name of our other application called "Night Mode". Please translate this to your language.
Night Mode -
Localized name of our other application called "Handwritten Messages". Please translate this to your language.
Handwritten Messages -
Kas soovite proovida meie uusi rakendusi %1$s?
Kas soovite proovida meie uusi rakendusi %1$s?
Would you like to try out our new app "%1$s"? -
Social functions are not available on this device. -
Galerii pole sellel seadmel saadaval.
Galerii pole sellel seadmel saadaval.
Gallery is not available on this device. -
This app requires access to the camera in order to show your reflection. To continue, grant camera permission. -
This app requires permission to access internal memory in order to take pictures. Please grant access internal memory permission.