Fulmine Software/Flashlight
Lys -
LED light
LED light
LED-lys -
LED light will be turned on
LED light will be turned on
LED-lys vil blive tændt -
LED light won't be turned on
LED light won't be turned on
LED-lys vil ikke blive tændt -
Screen light
Screen light
Skærmlys -
Screen light will be turned on
Screen light will be turned on
Skærmlys vilblive tændt -
Screen light won't be turned on
Screen light won't be turned on
Skærmlyset vil ikke blive tændt -
Screen light setup
Screen light setup
Skærmlysopsætning -
Tap to change screen light setup
Tap to change screen light setup
Tryk for at ændre skærmlysopsætning -
Widget size
Widget size
Widget-størrelse -
Aldrig -
Ja -
Nej -
Turn off LED light
Turn off LED light
Sluk LED-lys -
Rate %1$s
Rate %1$s
Bedøm %1$s -
Do you like %1$s? We will be very happy if you rate this app.
Do you like %1$s?
We will be very happy if you rate this app.Kan du lide %1$s?
Vi vil blive glade, hvis du bedømmer denne app. -
Camera is being used
Camera is being used
Kameraet er i brug -
Camera is probably being used by another app. Please close it before launching %1$s to enable LED light. LED light is now disabled.
Camera is probably being used by another app. Please close it before launching %1$s to enable LED light.
LED light is now disabled.Kamera benyttes sandsynligvis af anden appLuk venligst denne inden du starter %1$s for at aktivere LED-lys.
LED-lys er nu deaktiveret. -
Error connecting to Google Play
Error connecting to Google Play
Fejl ved tilslutning til Google Play -
You cannot purchase products. Please update the Google Play Store app on your device.
You cannot purchase products.
Please update the Google Play Store app on your device.Produktkøb ikke muligt.
Opdatér venligst din enheds Google Play Store-app.
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