Fulmine Software/Flashlight
Launch app
Launch app
Käivita rakendus -
App will be launched with light turned on according to settings in the section "Light"
App will be launched with light turned on according to settings in the section "Light"
Rakendus käivitub, kui valgus on sisselülitatud vastavalt seadetele jaotises ''Valgus'' -
À vérifier
This is description under "Start app" checkbox (true/false) configuration option for widget. When user chooses not to start app on widget press, application won't be started, only choosen in other options light type will be turned on. For better understanding please add widget to home screen and see available options and those texts displayed in widget configuration window.
App won't be launched, light will be turned on according to settings in the section "Light"App won't be launched, light will be turned on according to settings in the section "Light"
Rakendus ei käivitu, valgus lülitatakse sisse vastavalt seadetele jaotises ''Valgus'' -
Märkus -
In order to turn on LED light on your device, the app must be running
In order to turn on LED light on your device, the app must be running
Rakendus peab olema käivitatud, selleks, et käivitada LED valgust sinu seadmes -
Valgus -
LED light
LED light
LED valgus -
LED light will be turned on
LED light will be turned on
LED lamp lülitatakse sisse -
LED light won't be turned on
LED light won't be turned on
LED lampi ei lülitata sisse -
Screen light
Screen light
Ekraanivalgus -
Screen light will be turned on
Screen light will be turned on
Ekraanivalgus lülitatakse sisse -
Screen light won't be turned on
Screen light won't be turned on
Ekraanivalgust ei lülitata sisse -
Screen light setup
Screen light setup
Ekraanivalguse seadistamine -
Tap to change screen light setup
Tap to change screen light setup
Koputage selleks, et muuta ekraanivalguse seadeid -
Widget size
Widget size
Vidina suurus -
Mitte kunagi -
Jah -
Ei -
Turn off LED light
Turn off LED light
Lülita LED valgus välja -
Rate %1$s
Rate %1$s
Hinda %1$s