Fulmine Software/Flashlight
LED light is not turning on
LED light is not turning on
LED argia ez dago pizten -
1. Check to see if your device is equipped with a LED element. If not, you may use screen light instead.
1. Check to see if your device is equipped with a LED element. If not, you may use screen light instead.
2. Make sure that you've turned on LED light button before turning on light.
2. Make sure that you've turned on LED light button before turning on light.
Here you can enter additional info to the technical support team. Please use English if possible:
Here you can enter additional info to the technical support team. Please use English if possible:
Submit LED test report
Submit LED test report
Not all LED types were tested. Please test all of them before submitting this report.
Not all LED types were tested. Please test all of them before submitting this report.
I have other problems
I have other problems
Beste arazo bat dut -
Please describe your problem below and press the "%1$s" button. Please use English if possible.
Please describe your problem below and press the "%1$s" button. Please use English if possible.
Mesedez azaldu zure arazoa behean eta sakatu \"%1$s\" botoia. Mesedez erabili Ingelera hizkuntza ahal baduzu. -
Problem description:
Problem description:
Arazoaren azalpena: -
Submit report
Submit report
Bidali jakinarazpena -
Please provide problem description before submitting report.
Please provide problem description before submitting report.
Mesedez eman arazoaren azalpen bat behean jakinarazpena bidali aurretik. -
You'll be asked to choose the desired e-mail client for submitting the report.Please don't edit the e-mail content, just submit it. It will contain information instrumental for solving your problem.
You'll be asked to choose the desired e-mail client for submitting the report.Please don't edit the e-mail content, just submit it. It will contain information instrumental for solving your problem.
It's nice, thank you! :)
It's nice, thank you! :)
Atsegina da, mila esker! :) -
You can do much to help us improve this app. For example, you can do the things listed below. Any help from you is very important to us.
You can do much to help us improve this app. For example, you can do the things listed below. Any help from you is very important to us.
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