Fulmine Software/Flashlight
By using this app you accept the information above and agree to our %1$s and %2$s.
By using this app you accept the information above and agree to our %1$s and %2$s.
End User License Agreement
End User License Agreement
Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
Displayed on button that scrolls information one page down. This text should be translated like button "Next>" in many application setup creators (without ">" of course).
Text on button where user confirms his agreement on our Privacy Policy and EULA.
We wish to continuously improve the quality of this product. Please contact us if you encounter any bugs or other issues.
We wish to continuously improve the quality of this product. Please contact us if you encounter any bugs or other issues.
Biz mahsulot sifatini doimo yaxshilab borishni xohlaymiz. Iltimos, agar biror xatolik yoki boshqa muammolarni ko‘rsangiz, bizga xabar qiling. -
Versiya: -
%1$s - application title, %2$s - company name. For example, in application it may look like: "Flashlight by Fulmine Software".
%1$s by %2$s%1$s by %2$s
%1$s – %2$s -
Bog‘lanish: -
Rate this app
Rate this app
Ilovani baholang -
Press "Home" to exit the app while leaving LED light turned on. Press "Back" to turn off LED light on app exit:
Press "Home" to exit the app while leaving LED light turned on. Press "Back" to turn off LED light on app exit:
Ilovadan chiqishda LED yoritkichni yoniq qoldirish uchun “Boshi” tugmasini bosing. Ilovadan chiqishda LED yoritkichni ham o‘chirish uchun “Orqaga” tugmasini bosing: -
Tap screen to show controls:
Tap screen to show controls:
Boshqaruv tugmalarini ko‘rsatish uchun ekran ustiga bosing: -
Press back button to turn off screen light:
Press back button to turn off screen light:
Ekran yoritkichini o‘chirish uchun Orqaga tugmasini bosing: -
Slide up or down on left side to adjust brightness:
Slide up or down on left side to adjust brightness:
Yorqinlikni o‘zgartirish uchun ekranning chap tomonini yuqoriga suring yoki pastga torting: -
Slide up or down on right side to adjust color:
Slide up or down on right side to adjust color:
Rangni o‘zgartirish uchun ekranning o‘ng tomonini yuqoriga suring yoki pastga torting: -
Double tap on left side to set full brightness:
Double tap on left side to set full brightness:
To‘liq yorqinlikni o‘rnatish uchun ekranning chap tomonini ikki marta bosing: -
Double tap on right side to set white color:
Double tap on right side to set white color:
Oq rangni o‘rnatish uchun ekranning o‘ng tomonini ikki marta bosing: -
LED light is not turning on
LED light is not turning on
LED yoritkich yonmayapti -
1. Check to see if your device is equipped with a LED element. If not, you may use screen light instead.
1. Check to see if your device is equipped with a LED element. If not, you may use screen light instead.
1. Qurilmangizda LED chiroq mavjudligini tekshiring. Agar LED chiroq mavjud bo‘lmasa, ekran yoritkichidan foydalanishingiz mumkin.
%1$s - End-User License Agreement, %2$s - Privacy Policy.