Fulmine Software/Flashlight
LED argia ez dago pizten
LED argia ez dago pizten
LED light is not turning on -
1. Check to see if your device is equipped with a LED element. If not, you may use screen light instead. -
2. Make sure that you've turned on LED light button before turning on light. -
Here you can enter additional info to the technical support team. Please use English if possible: -
Submit LED test report -
Not all LED types were tested. Please test all of them before submitting this report. -
Beste arazo bat dut
Beste arazo bat dut
I have other problems -
Mesedez azaldu zure arazoa behean eta sakatu \"%1$s\" botoia. Mesedez erabili Ingelera hizkuntza ahal baduzu.
Mesedez azaldu zure arazoa behean eta sakatu \"%1$s\" botoia. Mesedez erabili Ingelera hizkuntza ahal baduzu.
Please describe your problem below and press the "%1$s" button. Please use English if possible. -
Arazoaren azalpena:
Arazoaren azalpena:
Problem description: -
Bidali jakinarazpena
Bidali jakinarazpena
Submit report -
Mesedez eman arazoaren azalpen bat behean jakinarazpena bidali aurretik.
Mesedez eman arazoaren azalpen bat behean jakinarazpena bidali aurretik.
Please provide problem description before submitting report. -
You'll be asked to choose the desired e-mail client for submitting the report.Please don't edit the e-mail content, just submit it. It will contain information instrumental for solving your problem. -
Atsegina da, mila esker! :)
Atsegina da, mila esker! :)
It's nice, thank you! :) -
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