Fulmine Software/Alarms
We used icons from the following collections. Some of them we've modified.
We used icons from the following collections. Some of them we've modified.
استخدمنا رموزًا من المجموعات التالية. قمنا بتعديل بعضهم. -
This is a header for row displaying author of some external library that our app was using. Currently it is used only for authors of icon sets.
المؤلف -
الترخيص -
الموقع الإلكتروني -
%1$s is the name of the copyright holder of Material Design Icons (Austin Andrews)
%1$s and community contributors%1$s and community contributors
%1$s والمساهمين في المجتمع -
Please enter task description
Please enter task description
من فضلك أدخِل وصف المهمّة -
Please enter a note
Please enter a note
من فضلك أدخِل الملاحظة -
Category filter
Category filter
عامل تصفية الفئة -
Select all
Select all
اختر الجميع -
Deselect all
Deselect all
إلغاء الجميع -
Can't remove category %1$s, because there are alarms, tasks or notes assigned to it.
Can't remove category %1$s, because there are alarms, tasks or notes assigned to it.
لا يمكن إزالة الفئة %1$s، لأن هناك منبِّهات أو مهام أو ملاحظات مسندة إليها. -
Do you like this app?
Do you like this app?
هل يعجبك هذا التطبيق؟ -
نعم -
لا -
Ask me later
Ask me later
اسألني لاحقًا -
Would you like to rate and comment this app?
Would you like to rate and comment this app?
هل ترغب بتقييم هذا التطبيق والتعليق عليه؟ -
قيِّم -
Don't rate
Don't rate
لا تُقيِّم -
Would you like to report an issue?
Would you like to report an issue?
هل ترغب في الإبلاغ عن مشكلة؟ -
Category %1$s deleted
Category %1$s deleted
تم حذف الفئة %1$s
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