Fulmine Software/Alarms
Put garbage in front of the house
Put garbage in front of the house
Siirrä roskis talon eteen -
Buy: 1 butter, 1 salad, 6 bananas, 4 oranges, 10 tomatoes.
Buy: 1 butter, 1 salad, 6 bananas, 4 oranges, 10 tomatoes.
Phone call to wife - I'm close
Phone call to wife - I'm close
Puhelu vaimolle - Olen lähellä -
Household goods
Household goods
Buy filter for vacuum cleaner
Buy filter for vacuum cleaner
Osta suodatin pölynimuriin -
Buy tickets to opera
Buy tickets to opera
Osta liput oopperaan -
Post office
Post office
Send letters
Send letters
Lähetä kirjeet -
Hang up a picture
Hang up a picture
Ripusta kuva seinälle -
Change a light bulb in the living room
Change a light bulb in the living room
Vaihda lamppu olohuoneessa -
Vacuum the apartment
Vacuum the apartment
Imuroi huoneisto -
Throw out rubbish
Throw out rubbish
Vie roskat ulos -
Buy printer paper
Buy printer paper
Osta paperia tulostimeen -
Write a report
Write a report
Kirjoita raportti -
Order a courier
Order a courier
Tilaa lähetti -
Good movies to watch: ...
Good movies to watch: ...
Katsomisen arvoisia elokuvia: ... -
Paint color of bedroom: RAL 5012
Paint color of bedroom: RAL 5012
Makuuhuoneen maalin värikoodi: RAL 5012
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