Fulmine Software/Alarms
By using this app you accept the above information and you agree to our %1$s and %2$s.
By using this app you accept the above information and you agree to our %1$s and %2$s.
Utilizând aplicația, acceptați informațiile de mai sus și sunteți de acord cu %1$s și %2$s. -
End-User License Agreement
End-User License Agreement
Acord de licență -
Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
Politica de confidenţialitate -
Displayed on button that scrolls information one page down. This text should be translated like button "Next>" in many application setup creators (without ">" of course).
Următoarea -
Text on button where user confirms his agreement on our Privacy Policy and EULA.
Acceptă -
Închide -
Unexpected error occurred. If you consent, a bug report will be submitted to the developers to help fix the issue!
Unexpected error occurred. If you consent, a bug report will be submitted to the developers to help fix the issue!
Eroare neașteptată. Dacă sunteţi de acord, un raport se va trimite dezvoltatorilor pentru a rezolva problema! -
An unexpected error occurred forcing the app to stop. Please help us fix this by submitting error data. All you need to do is tap 'OK'.
An unexpected error occurred forcing the app to stop. Please help us fix this by submitting error data. All you need to do is tap 'OK'.
You may add your comments regarding the problem below:
You may add your comments regarding the problem below:
Puteţi adăuga comentarii cu privire la problemă mai jos: -
Thank you!
Thank you!
Vă mulțumim! -
Despre -
Legal information
Legal information
We used icons from the following collections. Some of them we've modified.
We used icons from the following collections. Some of them we've modified.
This is a header for row displaying author of some external library that our app was using. Currently it is used only for authors of icon sets.
%1$s is the name of the copyright holder of Material Design Icons (Austin Andrews)
%1$s and community contributors%1$s and community contributors
Please enter task description
Please enter task description
Please enter a note
Please enter a note
Category filter
Category filter
%1$s - End-User License Agreement, %2$s - Privacy Policy.