Fulmine Software/Battery Indicator
Display battery info on status bar
Display battery info on status bar
Zobrazit info o baterii v oznamovací liště -
Display battery icon on status bar
Display battery icon on status bar
Zobrazit ikonu baterie v notifikační liště -
Menu -
Nastavení -
Info -
This is menu option that opens window with information how to translate application. Please see running application and try to save original meaning.
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Technical support
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We respect your privacy and we treat it seriously. This is why, we only use data necessary for our apps and services to function as efficiently as possible.
We respect your privacy and we treat it seriously. This is why, we only use data necessary for our apps and services to function as efficiently as possible.
Respektujeme vaše soukromí a bereme ho vážně. Proto používáme pouze data, která jsou nezbytná pro správné fungování našich aplikací a služeb. -
We use device identifiers and other information from your device to personalize content and ads, to provide social media features, to analyse our traffic and to improve on our products and services. We also share these data with our social media, advertising and analytics partners. See further details in our %1$s.
We use device identifiers and other information from your device to personalize content and ads, to provide social media features, to analyse our traffic and to improve on our products and services. We also share these data with our social media, advertising and analytics partners. See further details in our %1$s.
Používáme identifikátory a další informace z Vašeho zařízení pro personalizaci obsahu a reklam, pro sociální funkce, pro analyzování našeho provozu a vylepšení naších produktů a služeb. Také sdílíme tyto data s našemi sociálními médii, reklamními a analitickými partnery. Více detailů v našem %1$s. -
By using this app you accept the above information and you agree to our %1$s and %2$s.
By using this app you accept the above information and you agree to our %1$s and %2$s.
Používáním této aplikace přijímáte informace výše a souhlasíte s našemi %1$s a %2$s. -
End-User License Agreement
End-User License Agreement
Licenční smlouva s koncovým uživatelem -
Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
Zásady ochrany osobních údajů -
Displayed on button that scrolls information one page down. This text should be translated like button "Next>" in many application setup creators (without ">" of course).
Text on button where user confirms his agreement on our Privacy Policy and EULA.
I don't know how to add a widget to the home screen
I don't know how to add a widget to the home screen
Nevím, jak přidat widget na domovskou obrazovku -
How to add a homescreen widget may vary from device to device.
How to add a homescreen widget may vary from device to device.
Přidání widgetu na domovskou obrazovku může vypadat na každém zařízení jinak.