Fulmine Software/Battery Indicator
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We will be happy if you rate this app.Gogoko duzu %1$s?
Poztuko gara aplikazio hau mailatzen baduzu. -
Latest discharging
Latest discharging
Azken hustea -
Latest charging
Latest charging
Azken betetzea -
Unexpected error occurred. If you consent, a bug report will be submitted to the developers to help fix the issue!
Unexpected error occurred. If you consent, a bug report will be submitted to the developers to help fix the issue!
Ustekabeko akats bat gertatu da, baina onartzen duzunean jakinarazpen bat bidaliko zaie garatzaileei arazoa konpontzen laguntzeko! -
Error reporting
Error reporting
Akats jakinarazpena -
Error reporting
Error reporting
Akats jakinarazpena -
Error reporting is enabled
Error reporting is enabled
Akats jakinarazpena gaituta dago -
Error reporting is disabled
Error reporting is disabled
Akats jakinarazpena ez dago gaituta -
Device ID reporting
Device ID reporting
Gailuaren ID jakinarazpena -
Device ID reporting is enabled
Device ID reporting is enabled
Gailuaren ID jakinarazpena gaituta dago -
Device ID reporting is disabled
Device ID reporting is disabled
Gailuaren ID jakinarazpena ezgaituta dago -
Your e-mail
Your e-mail
Zure post@ -
Entering your e-mail will enable us to contact you, after you've submitted your bug report
Entering your e-mail will enable us to contact you, after you've submitted your bug report
Zure post@ sartzeak zurekin harremanetan jartzea ahalbidetuko digu akats jakinarazpen bat bidaltzen duzunean -
Auto accept reports
Auto accept reports
Berez onartu jakinarazpenak -
Reports will be automatically submitted on errors
Reports will be automatically submitted on errors
Jakinarazpenak berezgaitasunez bidaliko dira akats bat dagoenean -
Confirmation required to submit bug report
Confirmation required to submit bug report
Baieztapena beharko da akats jakinarazpena bidaltzeko -
Widgetak -
Display text background
Display text background
Erakutsi idazki barrena -
Display rectangle as a text background
Display rectangle as a text background
Erakutsi laukiluze bat idazki barren bezala
Il n’a plus de segments à afficher.
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