Fulmine Software/Battery Indicator
Automatic (based on device settings)
Automatic (based on device settings)
Automático (com base nas configurações de dispositivo) -
This language was set automatically based on device settings
This language was set automatically based on device settings
Este idioma foi definido automaticamente baseado nas configurações do dispositivo -
It's nice, thank you! :-)
It's nice, thank you! :-)
É bom, obrigado! :) -
You can do much to help us improve our app.For example you can do things listed below.Any help from you is very important to us.
You can do much to help us improve our app.For example you can do things listed below.Any help from you is very important to us.
Você pode fazer muito para nos ajudar a melhorar este aplicativo. Por exemplo, você pode fazer algumas coisas listadas abaixo. Qualquer ajuda sua é muito importante para nós. -
Text on a button that forwards user to Battery Indicator's facebook page which allows him to "Like" the page.
Like us on FacebookLike us on Facebook
Curta nossa página do Facebook -
Text on a button that forwards user community application that allows add link to Battery Indicator's market page and add some words of comment by facebook user. Be careful, the meaning and behaviour is diffrent than "Like it on Facebook", please use "share" meaning.
Share on FacebookShare on Facebook
Compartilhe no Facebook -
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Share by e-mail
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Share by SMS
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Rate this app and submit a comment
Avalie este aplicativo e escreva um comentário -
Have you checked out %1$s?
Have you checked out %1$s?
Você já tentou %1$s? -
I recommend to you %1$s, it's a great app for Android! You can get it here: %2$s
I recommend to you %1$s, it's a great app for Android!
You can get it here:
%2$sEu recomendo %1$s, é um ótimo aplicativo para Android!
Você pode obtê-lo aqui:
%2$s -
Check %1$s Android app %2$s
Check %1$s Android app %2$s
Verifique o %1$s Aplicativo do Android %2$s -
Espelho -
Bússola -
Alarmes -
Velocímetro -
Night Mode
Night Mode
Modo noturno -
Handwritten Messages
Handwritten Messages
Handwritten Messages -
Would you like to try our new app "%1$s"?
Would you like to try our new app "%1$s"?
Você gostaria de testar nosso novo aplicativo "%1$s"? -
It's a title of dialog window displayed when user chooses any of colorful icon types in the Settings when device uses Android 5.0 or later OS. This dialog displays message that for this OS colorful icons may not work and white icon is recommended.