Fulmine Software/Battery Indicator
If this information wasn't helpful, please find a solution in your device's user manual.
If this information wasn't helpful, please find a solution in your device's user manual.
Agar ushbu ma’lumotning foydasi tegmasa, qurilmangizning foydalanish qo‘llanmasidan yechimni topishingiz mumkin. -
I have other problems
I have other problems
Menda boshqa muammo mavjud -
Please describe your problem below and tap the "%1$s" button. Please write in English if possible.
Please describe your problem below and tap the "%1$s" button. Please write in English if possible.
Iltimos, quyida o‘z muammoyingizni batafsil tasvirlang hamda "%1$s" tugmasini bosing. Iltimos, agar iloji bo‘lsa ingliz tilidan foydalaning. -
Problem description:
Problem description:
Muammo tafsilotlari: -
Submit report
Submit report
Hisobotni yuborish -
Please provide a problem description before submitting report.
Please provide a problem description before submitting report.
Iltimos, hisobotni yuborishdan oldin muammi tafsilotlarini ham kiriting. -
You'll be asked to choose the e-mail client you whish to use to submit the report to us.Please don't edit the e-mail message, just send it. It will contain information which will help us solve your problem.
You'll be asked to choose the e-mail client you whish to use to submit the report to us.Please don't edit the e-mail message, just send it. It will contain information which will help us solve your problem.
Hisobotni yuborish uchun sizdan e-mail dasturini tanlash so‘raladi.Iltimos, e-mail xabarini tahrirlamang, shunchaki yuboring. U bizga muammoni hal qilish uchun kerak bo‘ladi. -
We want to continuously improve the quality of this product. Please contact us should you encounter any bugs or other issues.
We want to continuously improve the quality of this product. Please contact us should you encounter any bugs or other issues.
Biz ushbu mahsulotning sifatini butunlay yaxshilamoqchimiz. Iltimos, agar birorta nosozlik yoki muammo ko‘rsangiz, bizga xabar bering. -
Hech qachon -
Versiya: -
%1$s - application title, %2$s - company name. For example, in application it may look like: "Battery Indicator by Fulmine Software"
%1$s by %2$s%1$s by %2$s
%2$s’ning %1$s dasturi -
Bog‘lanish: -
Rate this app
Rate this app
Ushbu ilovaga baho bering -
Xush kelibsiz! -
Thank you for installing %1$s.
Thank you for installing %1$s.
%1$sni o‘rnatganingiz uchun rahmat. -
Important notice:
Important notice:
Muhim: -
If you use any type of process manager (aka "task killer"), you should either uninstall it or configure it to ignore %1$s!
If you use any type of process manager (aka "task killer"), you should either uninstall it or configure it to ignore %1$s!
Agar tizimingizda birorta vazifalar boshqaruvchisi (masalan, "task killer") o‘rnatilgan bo‘lsa, siz uni o‘chirishingiz yoki %1$sni rad qiladigan qilib moslashingiz kerak! -
Noma’lum -
1 day
1 day
1 kun -
%1$s - number of days
The longest variant of plural number of days text. Displayed in places where there is much space. Examples: 2 days, 6 days.%1$s days%1$s days
%1$s kun