Fulmine Software/Battery Indicator
Bidali jakinarazpena
Bidali jakinarazpena
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Mesedez eman arazoaren azalpen bat behean jakinarazpena bidali aurretik.
Mesedez eman arazoaren azalpen bat behean jakinarazpena bidali aurretik.
Please provide a problem description before submitting report. -
Post@ bezero bat hauatzeko galdetuko zaizu jakinarazpenak bidaltzeko erabiliko dena.Mesedez ez editatu posta mezua, bidali besterik ez. Honek zure arazoa konpontzen lagunduko digun argibideak ditu.
Post@ bezero bat hauatzeko galdetuko zaizu jakinarazpenak bidaltzeko erabiliko dena.Mesedez ez editatu posta mezua, bidali besterik ez. Honek zure arazoa konpontzen lagunduko digun argibideak ditu.
You'll be asked to choose the e-mail client you whish to use to submit the report to us.Please don't edit the e-mail message, just send it. It will contain information which will help us solve your problem. -
Produktu honen kalitatea etengabe hobetu nahi dugu. Mesedez jarri harremanetan gurekin akatsen bat edo beste arazoren bat ikusten baduzu.
Produktu honen kalitatea etengabe hobetu nahi dugu. Mesedez jarri harremanetan gurekin akatsen bat edo beste arazoren bat ikusten baduzu.
We want to continuously improve the quality of this product. Please contact us should you encounter any bugs or other issues. -
Inoiz ez
Inoiz ez
Never -
Version: -
%1$s - application title, %2$s - company name. For example, in application it may look like: "Battery Indicator by Fulmine Software"
%1$s egilea: %2$s%1$s egilea: %2$s
%1$s by %2$s -
Contact: -
Mailatu aplikazio hau
Mailatu aplikazio hau
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Ongi etorri!
Ongi etorri!
Welcome! -
Mila esker %1$s ezartzeagaitik.
Mila esker %1$s ezartzeagaitik.
Thank you for installing %1$s. -
Ohar garrantzitsua:
Ohar garrantzitsua:
Important notice: -
Prozesu kudeatzaileren bat baduzu ("eginkizun amaitzalea" bezalakoa), kendu egin behar duzu edo %1$s ezikusteko itxuratu!
Prozesu kudeatzaileren bat baduzu ("eginkizun amaitzalea" bezalakoa), kendu egin behar duzu edo %1$s ezikusteko itxuratu!
If you use any type of process manager (aka "task killer"), you should either uninstall it or configure it to ignore %1$s! -
Unknown -
1 egun
1 egun
1 day -
%1$s - number of days
The longest variant of plural number of days text. Displayed in places where there is much space. Examples: 2 days, 6 days.%1$s egun%1$s egun
%1$s days -
1 ordu
1 ordu
1 hour -
%1$s - number of hours
The longest variant of plural number of hours text. Displayed in places where there is much space. Examples: 2 hours, 6 hours.%1$s ordu%1$s ordu
%1$s hours -
The longest variant of "1 minute" text. Displayed in places where there is much space.
1 minutu1 minutu
1 minute -
%1$s - number of minutes
The longest variant of plural number of minutes text. Displayed in places where there is much space. Examples: 2 minutes, 6 minutes.%1$s minutu%1$s minutu
%1$s minutes