Warning -
Pencil není schopen přečíst tento soubor. Pokud chcete imporovat obrázky, použijte příkaz importovat.
Pencil není schopen přečíst tento soubor. Pokud chcete imporovat obrázky, použijte příkaz importovat.
Pencil cannot read this file. If you want to import images, use the command import. -
Otevírám dokument...
Otevírám dokument...
Opening document... -
Abort -
Ukládám dokument...
Ukládám dokument...
Saving document... -
Animace byla změněna. Přejete si uložit změny.
Animace byla změněna.
Přejete si uložit změny.This animation has been modified.
Do you want to save your changes? -
Obrázek nelze importovat.<br><b>TIP:</b> Na import bitmap použijte bitmapovou vrstvu.
Obrázek nelze importovat.
Na import bitmap použijte bitmapovou vrstvu.Unable to import image.<br><b>
Use Bitmap layer to import bitmaps. -
Exporting image sequence...
Exporting image sequence...
Exporting image sequence... -
You have successfully cleared the list
You have successfully cleared the list
You have successfully cleared the list -
<br><br>An error has occurred and your file may not have saved successfully.If you believe that this error is an issue with Pencil2D, please create a new issue at:<br><a href="https://github.com/pencil2d/pencil/issues">https://github.com/pencil2d/pencil/issues</a><br>Please be sure to include the following details in your issue:
An error has occurred and your file may not have saved successfully.If you believe that this error is an issue with Pencil2D, please create a new issue at:<br><a href="https://github.com/pencil2d/pencil/issues">
Please be sure to include the following details in your issue:<br><br>
An error has occurred and your file may not have saved successfully.If you believe that this error is an issue with Pencil2D, please create a new issue at:<br><a href="https://github.com/pencil2d/pencil/issues">
Please be sure to include the following details in your issue: -
Obrázek nelze exportovat.
Obrázek nelze exportovat.
Unable to export image. -
Undo %1 %2
Undo %1 %2
Undo %1 %2 -
Redo %1 %2
Redo %1 %2
Redo %1 %2 -
Stop -
Neexistuje žádná cílová zvuková vrsva pro váš import. Vytvořit zvukovou vrstvu?
Neexistuje žádná cílová zvuková vrsva pro váš import. Vytvořit zvukovou vrstvu?
No sound layer exists as a destination for your import. Create a new sound layer? -
Vytvořit zvukovou vrstvu
Vytvořit zvukovou vrstvu
Create sound layer -
Nevytvářet vrstvu
Nevytvářet vrstvu
Don't create layer -
Vlastnosti vrstvy
Vlastnosti vrstvy
Layer Properties -
Název vrstvy:
Název vrstvy:
Layer name: -
A sound clip already exists on this frame! Please select another frame or layer.
A sound clip already exists on this frame! Please select another frame or layer.
A sound clip already exists on this frame! Please select another frame or layer.