Linea del tempo -
Draw timeline labels
Draw timeline labels
Inserisci etichette sulla linea del tempo -
Frame size
Frame size
Timeline size in Frames
Timeline size in Frames
Dimensioni linea del tempo (in fotogrammi) -
Short scrub
Short scrub
Scorri veloce -
Open Recent
Open Recent
Apri recenti -
Attenzione -
You are drawing on a hidden layer! Please select another layer (or make the current layer visible).
You are drawing on a hidden layer! Please select another layer (or make the current layer visible).
Si sta disegnando su un livello nascosto! Scegliere un altro livello (o rendere visibile questo livello). -
Delete Selection
Delete Selection
Cancella selezione -
Clear Image
Clear Image
Cancella immagine -
There is a gap in your drawing (or maybe you have zoomed too much).
There is a gap in your drawing (or maybe you have zoomed too much).
Sorry! This doesn't always work.Please try again (zoom a bit, click at another location... )<br>if it doesn't work, zoom a bit and check that your paths are connected by pressing F1.).
Sorry! This doesn't always work.Please try again (zoom a bit, click at another location... )
if it doesn't work, zoom a bit and check that your paths are connected by pressing F1.). -
Out of bound.
Out of bound.
Could not find a closed path.
Could not find a closed path.
Could not find the root index.
Could not find the root index.
%1<br><br>Error: %2
Error: %2%1<br><br>
Errore: %2 -
Flood fill error
Flood fill error
Errore di riempimento -
Exporting image sequence...
Exporting image sequence...
Sequenza esportazione immagine... -
Pencil2D is an animation/drawing software for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux. It lets you create traditional hand-drawn animation (cartoon) using both bitmap and vector graphics.
Pencil2D is an animation/drawing software for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux. It lets you create traditional hand-drawn animation (cartoon) using both bitmap and vector graphics.
Path to the input pencil file.
Path to the input pencil file.