Hand Tool <b>(%1)</b>: Move the canvas
Hand Tool
: Move the canvas -
Pen Tool <b>(%1)</b>: Sketch with pen
Pen Tool
: Sketch with pen -
Eraser Tool <b>(%1)</b>: Erase
Eraser Tool
: Erase -
Polyline Tool <b>(%1)</b>: Create line/curves
Polyline Tool
: Create line/curves -
Paint Bucket Tool <b>(%1)</b>: Fill selected area with a color
Paint Bucket Tool
: Fill selected area with a color -
Brush Tool <b>(%1)</b>: Paint smooth stroke with a brush
Brush Tool
: Paint smooth stroke with a brush -
Eyedropper Tool <b>(%1)</b>: Set color from the stage<br><b>[ALT]</b> for instant access
Eyedropper Tool
: Set color from the stage<br><b>
for instant access -
Clear Frame <b>(%1)</b>: Erases content of selected frame
Clear Frame
: Erases content of selected frame -
Smudge Tool <b>(%1)</b>:<br>Edit polyline/curves<br>Liquify bitmap pixels<br> <b>(%1)+[Alt]</b>: Smooth
Smudge Tool
Edit polyline/curves<br>
Liquify bitmap pixels<br>
: Smooth -
Pencil Tool (%1)
Pencil Tool (%1)
Select Tool (%1)
Select Tool (%1)
Move Tool (%1)
Move Tool (%1)
Hand Tool (%1)
Hand Tool (%1)
Pen Tool (%1)
Pen Tool (%1)
Eraser Tool (%1)
Eraser Tool (%1)
Polyline Tool (%1)
Polyline Tool (%1)
Paint Bucket Tool (%1)
Paint Bucket Tool (%1)
Brush Tool (%1)
Brush Tool (%1)
Eyedropper Tool (%1)
Eyedropper Tool (%1)
Clear Tool (%1)
Clear Tool (%1)
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