Arwix/Sun Explorer
for a dinner with a cat
for a dinner with
a catpara una cena con
un gato -
for a day off
for a day off
para un día libre -
Suscripción -
Remove Ads and full access to all the features for a limited time
Remove Ads and full access to all the features for a limited time
Eliminar anuncios y acceso completo a todas las funciones por tiempo limitado -
Estado -
payment was successful
payment was successful
pago fue exitoso -
subscription is active
subscription is active
suscripción activa -
Fecha -
Cantidad -
3 months %1$s
3 months
%1$s3 meses
%1$s -
6 months %1$s
6 months
%1$s6 meses
%1$s -
1 year %1$s
1 year
%1$s1 año
%1$s -
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How would you rate our app?
¿Cómo calificaría nuestra aplicación? -
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Rate in Google Play
Calificar en Google Play -
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My rate for Sun Explorer app is %1$d/5
My rate for Sun Explorer app is %1$d/5
Mi calificación para Explorador Solar app es %1$d/5 -
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I rate this app %1$d/5, because…
Califico ésta app %1$d/5, porque… -
Civil twilight
Civil twilight
Crepúsculo civil -
Nautical twilight
Nautical twilight
Crepúsculo náutico
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